This post is titled Forget the Silent Hill Teaser Trailer... by author SoulJah. The theatrical trailer will scare the bejeesus outta you!

Long time fans of the series will recognize certain themes sprinkled throughout the movie. Like the hazy, foggy backgrounds. The light snow falling. The darkness of certain interiors. Walls. Moving. Babies. Walking in the dark. Nurses. Oh the nurses... It's as if, they jacked into the game in between the first and the second title, and instead of our well known protagonists, what we have here is essentially the fifth in the line of unbeknowing people getting trapped in Silent Hill. Even the theme music from the first one, the one with the mandolin (?) makes an appearance in the trailer. That got me excited to no end.

Yahoo! Movies:;_ylt=AhDubLF7hAEmA1Xtntmts0ZfVXcA

Posted by SoulJah at 1:04:00 PM

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This post is titled Silent Hill by author SoulJah.

You gotta be excited about this! Get to the site, load up the trailer, and be creeped out. By the looks of it, it's gonna be a creep fest, unlike Resident Evil's heavy action sequences. It's about a mother and her daughter that has been having weird dreams, about Silent Hill probably. Will hit cinemas in the US on April 21st.

Even at this point, the trailer's already reminded me much of the Silent Hill games, with a bit of Jacob's Ladder mind twisting antics. I hope it doesn't have a happy, feel good ending. It'd be a besmirching of the Silent Hill name.

Posted by SoulJah at 12:35:00 PM

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This post is titled Palm Treo 700w by author SoulJah. Windows Mobile 5.0: "I'm in your Treo, managing your contacts."

Infosyncworld :

Posted by SoulJah at 11:52:00 AM

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This post is titled Great List of Free Stock Photo Sites by author SoulJah. Great list of free stock photo sites that may have that picture or image you need to complement a Photoshop project. Personally, I have and as links in my Opera toolbar, but there's quite a number out there that might cater to your every need. Great bookmark to have if you're a graphic designer.

The list is at:
Found via : The Unofficial Photoshop Weblog.

Posted by SoulJah at 6:01:00 AM

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This post is titled MacBook Pro by author SoulJah. Gotta hand it to 'em. When they come out with Intel powered notebooks, they bust it out with a vengeance. Quoted from Engadget:
Yes, this is the one you've been waiting for (unless you've been holding out for an Apple tablet PC). It's the first Intel-powered portable from Apple, and it's called the MacBook Pro. That's right. Breaking from its long-standing PowerBook and iBook labels, Apple has created a whole new brand to commemorate its first Intel-based portable. As expected, the new portable is powered by an Intel Core Duo processor at either 1.76 or 1.83GHz, 512MB - 2GB RAM, FireWire 400, two USB 2.0ports, ExpressCard/34, MagSafe power, 802.11g (AirPort Extreme), Bluetooth 2.0 EDR), gigabit Ethernet, backlit keyboard, Apple remote input, 15.4-inch 1440 x 900 display, ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 with either 128 or 256MB of RAM and dual-link DVI (for 30-inchers), an 80GB or 100GB drive, and dual-layer DVD burner. It's an inch thick. It weighs 5.6 pounds. It'll run Windows. We think we're in love.

I'm not in love per se, but it's rather tempting. Oh not sure about the running Windows thing, maybe a misquote. It'll be rather interesting running this thing against comparable Yonah based, Dual Core laptops though. The fact that their marketing line alludes to the fact that Intel processors will get much more work done in a Mac is kinda hyperbole at best.

Engadget :

Posted by SoulJah at 3:39:00 AM

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This post is titled Windows Live Mail Beta by author SoulJah. I've just received the the invitation to the private Beta of Windows Live Mail, and from the looks of it, it's pretty much like Outlook Webmail... Light. The three pane feature is a delight to use, the drag and drop pretty much extending the desktop experience online, and you can right click!

I do admit, it looks rather bare at the moment, but hey I'm all for the minimalist approach. Some functionality that I'd want to have? RSS feeds on the Today tab (of course for news and other related stuff), and mini Calendar always visible on the first task pane (so that I won't forget birthdays anymore). All in all, a worthy challenger to GMail's dominance.

{Edit: Oh of course, synchronization with Outlook. That'd would be a fucking blast. I mean, I have all the info in my Outlook already, so why not?]

Posted by SoulJah at 10:21:00 AM

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This post is titled Stupid cat... by author SoulJah. Every time I get home, the stupid cat will run, almost knowingly, towards the car.

Every fucking time.

Stupid cat.

You'd be fuck squished you dumb cat.

I fucking swear, if I squish your head, I'm not gonna scoop you up with a spade and dig a damn hole for ya.

I'd barf uncontrollably.

Even when I get home at 4 am, she'd try to run towards the wheels of the car.

I begin to suspect that the cat's mother, who died by the same circumstance, has influenced her to do the same.

I mean, at what point in your non-worthy life do you decide to go run under the wheel of the car, and hope life ends right there.

I somehow saluted the cat's mom's decision to take her life away.


Fuck no, kitty, no way I'm gonna kill ya.

Mental note: Watch out for crazed cat whenever I drive up the drive way.

Mental note: Tell dad to watch out for crazed cat as well.

Oh shoot, too late.

Sorry no pictures.

The sight when I peered out the window, with it's head squished and blood running down the driveway, while the stupid cat's body still fucking squirming (oh fuck) stirred up the butterflies in my stomach.

Posted by SoulJah at 3:46:00 AM

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This post is titled Happy New Year 2006! by author SoulJah. So, how did I spend New Year's this year? Well, considering last year's tsunami tragedy and the ensuing toning down of New Years celebration last year, this year I can say the repressed celebratory mood from last year came back with a vengeance, with of course Empire hotel leading the way, while others opting to take their celebration elsewhere (read: outside the country), down to the usual family gatherings barbecuing pieces of meat. My celebrations was in serious jeopardy of becoming like last year's, it's a miracle that a friend was holding a massive party that was the focal point of people missing out celebrations at Empire.

At first I was hesitant of going, considering a) I'm not much of a party person, b) Don't have anyone to go there with and c) I can't dance worth shit. It was much to my surprise that she agreed to come (albeit a bit later) but hey at least I'd have someone with me when the clock hit 12. Went shopping before the party, for a nice shirt and of course some barbecue meat to give the people stuck at home.

Arrived there, with a murmur in the air. People were standing outside, scoping the place out. I was really wary of a police raid (they're kinda fucknuts that way) on the party, as a police squad car even circled around the place just around 11. Met up with some friends there, then decided that it's now or never, and we decided to ascend the elevator. Went in, and the whole thing was already going on. Met friends in there as well, including some we never expected to see inside (a goody girl type character that we knew from school was inside, smoking and dancing to her hearts content... go figure...). While waiting for her to seek me out on the dance floor, I decided to have a dance with a girl friend, when I was abruptly pulled away.

All in all, it was a good night, had fun, it was just a bummer that we didn't have anywhere to crash afterwards, or do anything nuts to usher in 2006. But hey. There's like a whole year to do some crazy shit, so why the hurry?

Posted by SoulJah at 8:51:00 PM

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