This post is titled Forget the Silent Hill Teaser Trailer... by author SoulJah. The theatrical trailer will scare the bejeesus outta you!

Long time fans of the series will recognize certain themes sprinkled throughout the movie. Like the hazy, foggy backgrounds. The light snow falling. The darkness of certain interiors. Walls. Moving. Babies. Walking in the dark. Nurses. Oh the nurses... It's as if, they jacked into the game in between the first and the second title, and instead of our well known protagonists, what we have here is essentially the fifth in the line of unbeknowing people getting trapped in Silent Hill. Even the theme music from the first one, the one with the mandolin (?) makes an appearance in the trailer. That got me excited to no end.

Yahoo! Movies:;_ylt=AhDubLF7hAEmA1Xtntmts0ZfVXcA

Posted by SoulJah at 1:04:00 PM

2 Comment(s):

Thats cool man. I didn't even know about this...
By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, January 25, 2006  

i find the movie scary and confusing.. and the ending... what happened kan?? she became a ghost? cos they kinda live in two different timeframe kan..

i didnt know it's from a game actually.. grr no wonder nada ending!!!...

so there will be more silent hill's movie soon...???
By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, October 19, 2006  

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