This post is titled Congratulations Azuan and Lina by author SoulJah. DSC_7503 (by SoulJah)

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Congrats Azuan! Have fun in the Maldives!

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Posted by SoulJah at 3:45:00 PM

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This post is titled Moments at AYF: Ice Breaking by author SoulJah. 0060_NIKON D300__DSC4208 (by SoulJah)

Whoever knows me in real life, I'm quite reserved when it comes to meeting new people. I need to feel them out to see if I can click with them... and if it clicks, I'd be at ease and it's easier to interact with them and form friendships. Faced by delegates from 12 different countries, it'd be easy to bet that I'd have a hard time feeling out each and every one of the countries, let alone each and everyone of the delegates.

Just like smoking cigarettes, which immediately breaks down the barriers of normal societal interactions that us adults put up, and you can discuss everything from the weather all the way to religion in just one smoke break. Now, my chosen drug of choice is photography, and that in some ways allows you to interact with others that are 'in the know' and you have a conduit from which you can interact with others, whether they notice it and strike a pose, or whether whether you catch them being themselves, anything ranging from emotional outburst of joy, laughter, quiet contemplation or even at their worst state of sleep deprivation.

The number of DSLRs present at the events were quite remarkable, but not too surprising. Some of the delegates were like me as well, there for the photography competition; and there were others who brought their own cameras to capture the goings on at the forum, as would I, if I was not part of the competition. So it's not a surprise that we immediately identify with each other, knowing full well that we all share the same passion, and of course checking each other's gears, which is to be expected, really. A Singaporean, which was to become my group mate for the forum format, came up to me, and we instantly hit it off. Others, like the one in the accompanying photo, I only managed to get to know over the course of the event. At this movie screening, I still didn't know he was Andri Tei, the first place winner for the photography competition. But over the course of the event, we're almost like buddies, more like a mutual respect for each other, being in the same brotherhood of photography kin.

Over the course of this series, I'll show the importance of any cameras, be it DSLR or Point-n-shoots, in creating a lasting bond throughout all the delegates.

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Posted by SoulJah at 6:41:00 PM

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This post is titled Moments at AYF: Movie Screening by author SoulJah. 0021_NIKON D300__DSC4138 (by SoulJah)

After a bit of shopping directly after our touchdown, and after a bit of familiarization with Singapore's decidedly awesome MRT system, we were packed into buses for a movie screening at a newly renovated school, named, aptly enough, OldSchool. It's a great place where, if I recall correctly, artists, musicians, theathrical performers, photographers and the like can call their own, allowing them to use the facilities there to create their masterpieces. The area we were gathering was called the Sinema, where screenings of local movies and film festivals are regularly held. I've also heard they do some concerts there once in a while. Hip and trendy place actually.

The movie was titled 'Journey to Kaabah''Road to Mecca', chronicling one man's journey across land, from Malaysia, all the way to Mecca, to perform the Hajj. While not the best movie ever, I reserved all my opinions to myself, opting not to grab the open mic. I'll be civil on my first night at AYF.

Anyway, this is our first chance to have most of the delegates in one area, so some delegates took their chances getting to know each other. As I had other programmes ongoing at that time, which was capturing all the happenings, emotions, moments and interactions for a special programme, I kinda laid low for a bit, just so I can snag some stolen moments. But then again, it didn't stay like that for long...

(To be continued...)

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Posted by SoulJah at 7:26:00 PM

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This post is titled Congrats Dude! by author SoulJah. DSC_6784 (by SoulJah)

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Congrats to Hamsul and Naeema for on their wedding day! Have fun on your honeymoon!

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Posted by SoulJah at 2:32:00 PM

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This post is titled Yaaaaaaaaaaammmm-Seenngggg!!! by author SoulJah. Yaaaaaaaaaaammmm-Seenngggg!!! (by SoulJah)
Tommy from Singapore toasting with all the delegates from the Asean+3 Youth Forum.

To the new friends I made during my AYF, one week stay, I'd like to welcome you all to my website.

I'd like to thank you all for making my trip there a memorable one. From the delegates, our lovely Liaison Officer Dhini and Yi Na, to the event organizers, I'd like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the wonderful hospitality that you've shown to us. I wasn't sure what to expect at first, and having not once ever joined a youth gathering such as AYF, I didn't know what to expect. But the new people I've met from all over the world, the wonderful atmosphere, the great camaraderie, the friendship, I don't think I will ever forget my week there.

I'll follow up this post later. Still trying to straighten out all the business cards I have.

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Posted by SoulJah at 12:24:00 PM

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