This post is titled For the guy who wanted this. by author SoulJah.

Posted by SoulJah at 11:18:00 PM

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This post is titled SuSE 10.0 is looking mighty fine. by author SoulJah.

This review of SuSE 10.0 after Novell decided to release the code to the public is hailed as an important milestone in the most polished and easy to use Linux distro. Forget your Ubuntu, Mandrake, Fedora Core or whatever they try to push as the easiest and best Windows Replacement distro. Nothing beats SuSE in my opinion. With one foot in Novell's camp, and one foot in the Open Source community, you have the best in both worlds with 10.0.

Further links:

Posted by SoulJah at 12:33:00 PM

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This post is titled Final Fantasy XII Screens. by author SoulJah. Coming to the PS2, and every single shot looks awesome. Apparently it shows more detail in character model and texture, it's how I wish Vagrant Stroy would've looked like updated for the PS2. The screens are here: More here:

Posted by SoulJah at 7:32:00 AM

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This post is titled I'd definitely want one. by author SoulJah. But not on my main gaming rig of course. For that unassuming file server that sits in the middle of my room looking all smug and stuff and be the perfect conversational piece.

I just wonder how it stands heat though.

Posted by SoulJah at 10:41:00 AM

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This post is titled Jack Thompson under investigation! by author SoulJah. Woohoo! It's about time someone does something about the crazy loon. Link here.

Posted by SoulJah at 5:40:00 PM

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This post is titled sup /b/ by author SoulJah. Just a site announcement. Click on the Alternate Layout link to the side to get another layout. Sin City inspired of course. Oh leave a comment about it k? K.

Posted by SoulJah at 10:29:00 PM

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This post is titled Oh my god. The funny. by author SoulJah. "Bawa makanan tarus... well be having a party tarus... hehehehe!!"

Somehow I'm hating him more and more. But no surprise there.

Posted by SoulJah at 12:12:00 AM

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This post is titled Followup. Nokia E Series. by author SoulJah. Um... I jumped the gun a bit. The Nokia E61 doesn't have a camera. So... Between WLAN and 2.0 Megapixel Camera... I'll choose camera, kthx.

Oh yeah, I bought the watch already, and I chose the black one. Looks hot. But being the OCD that I am, I'm wiping it every chance I get.

Posted by SoulJah at 8:41:00 PM

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This post is titled I sleep, and Apple and Nokia releases products! by author SoulJah. First off, Apple, released their new lineup of thinner iMac G5s, thinner iPods with video, thinner (...) iTunes... and the new-ish Apple Frontrow + Apple Remote. Yeah kinda cool, but everythings kinda predictable.

And yeah. The iMac has an iSight built in.

Now onto the sexy part of this post. Nokia released their line up of E Series phone (akin to N Series phones, but now it's targeted towards business users.) All of these feature Wi-Fi (oh yes... verily yes...) and 3G.

The Nokia E60 is focused on voice, the Nokia E70 is focused on messaging, and the Nokia E61 is focused on mobile e-mail. Oh so very yes. Motorola Q, eat your hearts out. You failed for your silly oversized thumb board desgin. This. This. Is hot.

Verdict? Oh so very yes. In fact, now I'm thinking of getting this instead of the Nokia 6280.

InfoSyncWorld :

Press release:
Pretty, pretty pictures:,8764,73819,00.html

Posted by SoulJah at 5:36:00 AM

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This post is titled Ok. I'm seriously thinking of getting a watch. by author SoulJah. And here's my top three choices, which is just differences in colors.


These are from the Active Dial collection. What do you think? Here's more from the Edifice range. Some might want me to go with a G-Shock or one of those new Cockpit Series (which are totally hot) but they're just too big for my wrist. It felt weird me putting em on. If I feel really compulsive enough, I might buy them by this week. Whaddaya think?

Posted by SoulJah at 3:43:00 AM

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This post is titled Woo. Kick ass OSX site interface. by author SoulJah. Yeah, I may be a Mac basher, but I can recognize a good Flash if I see one.

But for more Impressivity (yes, it's so awesome I had to make a new word) is this site:

Posted by SoulJah at 8:45:00 PM

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This post is titled Metal Gear Solid Codec Ringtone by author SoulJah.

Because I don't want you guys to be looking for this thing all over the internet and not be able to find it. I discovered this accidentally, when someone posted a link to it on the many forums imageboards that I visit.

Metal Gear Solid Codec .wav Ringtone.

Because life's too short to keep looking for stuff.

(You're phone might support this natively, but on my Nokia 6230, it only supports MP3 ringtones, so you might wanna convert it to the flavor of your choice.)

Posted by SoulJah at 2:58:00 AM

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This post is titled Al Qaeda puts job ads on Internet - Arab paper by author SoulJah. DUBAI (Reuters) - Al Qaeda has put job advertisements on the Internet asking for supporters to help put together its Web statements and video montages, an Arabic newspaper reported.

The London-based Asharq al-Awsat said on its Web site this week that al Qaeda had "vacant positions" for video production and editing statements, footage and international media coverage about militants in Iraq, the Palestinian territories, Chechnya and other conflict zones where militants are active.

The paper said the Global Islamic Media Front, an al Qaeda-linked Web-based organization, would "follow up with members interested in joining and contact them via email".

The paper did not say how applicants should contact the Global Islamic Media Front.

Al Qaeda supporters widely use the Internet to spread the group's statements through dozens of Islamist sites where anyone can post messages. Al Qaeda-linked groups also set up their own sites, which frequently have to move after being shut by Internet service providers.

The advertisements, however, could not be found on mainstream Islamist Web sites where al Qaeda and other affiliate groups post their statements.

Asharq al-Awsat said the advert did not specify salary amounts, but added: "Every Muslim knows his life is not his, since it belongs to this violated Islamic nation whose blood is being spilled. Nothing should take precedence over this."

The Front last month launched an Internet news broadcast called Voice of the Caliphate, which it said aimed to combat anti-Qaeda "lies and propaganda" on major international and Arab television channels such as CNN and Al Jazeera.

Al Qaeda and other groups have increasingly turned to the Internet to win young Muslims over to their war against Western-backed governments in Arab and Muslim countries.

Islamist insurgents fighting U.S. forces and the U.S.-backed government in Iraq have often posted slick montages of their military activities, including beheadings of hostages, on the Internet where they spread through dozens of Islamist sites.

Editor's note: I wonder if they have a good dental plan...

Posted by SoulJah at 4:36:00 PM

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This post is titled A great find for you 'The Simpsons' lovers. by author SoulJah. Here's a great list of Made Up Words that have been featured in The Simpsons. I'm halfway down the list already.

Posted by SoulJah at 11:46:00 PM

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