This post is titled Guess what I found guys... by author SoulJah.

Any guesses?

HINT: I've been looking for one since my birthday recently.

Posted by SoulJah at 5:27:00 PM

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This post is titled Some pictures to tide you over... by author SoulJah. Until I can get back to the swing of things and not feel tired. Seriously, on some days, I think I have chronic fatigue disorder. Or maybe that's just because I lack sleep from finishing off the Explomaths stuff.

This is when we stayed at Rizqun after the Thanksgiving Dinner, right after our convocation.

... I think the people who made the cover should've read the book first, eh?

Two cakes to celebrate the May birthday celebrants. Mine was on the nicer of the two cakes.

This one had a pudding like substance on top, or was it custardy?

Faz, thanks :)

Just get back here safely, ok?

Posted by SoulJah at 1:24:00 AM

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This post is titled Sorry for the late update... by author SoulJah. This was supposed to be announced on Monday (1st May 2006), but yeah, I've already started work. 18 days ago. Was supposed to do the whole, post-on-the-first-day I usually do. But yes, it's 18 days late.

My birthday also came and gone, now a full on 23 year old. Somehow the number 23 is kinda iffy. 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 is where it's at. But not 29. 29 is a rather shady character. Anyway, thanks for all those that wished me a happy birthday. Even Faz sent in her usual picture birthday greetings. I don't have it handy at the moment, but next time I find it, I'll be sure to post em.

So yeah, what has been happening? Quite a lot. Explomaths Quarter Finals and Semi Finals are done. Now onto making the quiz program for the finals. Should be done by tomorrow. Well the draft that is. Passing the draft stage from powers that be, then I can continue to polish everything up and finish the damn thing. Has been eating into my sleep time, me dozing off in front of the PC at work ain't even funny anymore.

The convocation is gonna be this Saturday, marking the end of our studies in ITB. Has been a great time, and a great experience if I do say so myself. Didn't regret not applying to UBD at all. Today was the first rehearsal for the thing, which I manage to screw up as I came in late. Hopefully tomorrow's dress rehearsal goes without a hitch. But thing is I'm hating having to wear the robe for a whole half day tomorrow. I mean I paid for the thing, and it was damn expensive. I can't even see how the price came out to be like that though, but I guess the tailor shop had the monopoly of the robe making business for ITB this year.

That same Saturday should also see the finals of the Rugby League that has been going on without me playing even a single game. Honestly, I would come, but every Friday, the day before the games, I'd manage to fuck up my ankle playing indoor football. Twice. Once on the right foot, and when that healed a bit, the left one sprained in the utmost glory and agony. Basically it was like my whole foot bent inwards, and I heard the most horrible sound I've ever heard, apart from the sound that I heard during my ear operation. It was a cracking sound, as if something broke. My initial thought? "Oh great. Right when you're finally healed after the horrible sprain of '94, you finally decided to hell with it and break anyways."

I digress. So the Rugby finals is on Saturday right. So it's gonna be us, the Yachties, against the Bandar Blacks. If I recall correctly, the lads lost during the game against Bandar Blacks before, so I should contribute more, just get into scrums and rucks and I should be ok. I just hope I won't get injured or anything like a team mate last week's game when he got his shoulder dislocated. Coz that night there's a Thanksgiving dinner for the graduates of ITB. Touch wood.

Posted by SoulJah at 12:12:00 PM

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