This post is titled Happy New Year 2006! by author SoulJah. So, how did I spend New Year's this year? Well, considering last year's tsunami tragedy and the ensuing toning down of New Years celebration last year, this year I can say the repressed celebratory mood from last year came back with a vengeance, with of course Empire hotel leading the way, while others opting to take their celebration elsewhere (read: outside the country), down to the usual family gatherings barbecuing pieces of meat. My celebrations was in serious jeopardy of becoming like last year's, it's a miracle that a friend was holding a massive party that was the focal point of people missing out celebrations at Empire.

At first I was hesitant of going, considering a) I'm not much of a party person, b) Don't have anyone to go there with and c) I can't dance worth shit. It was much to my surprise that she agreed to come (albeit a bit later) but hey at least I'd have someone with me when the clock hit 12. Went shopping before the party, for a nice shirt and of course some barbecue meat to give the people stuck at home.

Arrived there, with a murmur in the air. People were standing outside, scoping the place out. I was really wary of a police raid (they're kinda fucknuts that way) on the party, as a police squad car even circled around the place just around 11. Met up with some friends there, then decided that it's now or never, and we decided to ascend the elevator. Went in, and the whole thing was already going on. Met friends in there as well, including some we never expected to see inside (a goody girl type character that we knew from school was inside, smoking and dancing to her hearts content... go figure...). While waiting for her to seek me out on the dance floor, I decided to have a dance with a girl friend, when I was abruptly pulled away.

All in all, it was a good night, had fun, it was just a bummer that we didn't have anywhere to crash afterwards, or do anything nuts to usher in 2006. But hey. There's like a whole year to do some crazy shit, so why the hurry?

Posted by SoulJah at 8:51:00 PM

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