This post is titled Stupid cat... by author SoulJah. Every time I get home, the stupid cat will run, almost knowingly, towards the car.

Every fucking time.

Stupid cat.

You'd be fuck squished you dumb cat.

I fucking swear, if I squish your head, I'm not gonna scoop you up with a spade and dig a damn hole for ya.

I'd barf uncontrollably.

Even when I get home at 4 am, she'd try to run towards the wheels of the car.

I begin to suspect that the cat's mother, who died by the same circumstance, has influenced her to do the same.

I mean, at what point in your non-worthy life do you decide to go run under the wheel of the car, and hope life ends right there.

I somehow saluted the cat's mom's decision to take her life away.


Fuck no, kitty, no way I'm gonna kill ya.

Mental note: Watch out for crazed cat whenever I drive up the drive way.

Mental note: Tell dad to watch out for crazed cat as well.

Oh shoot, too late.

Sorry no pictures.

The sight when I peered out the window, with it's head squished and blood running down the driveway, while the stupid cat's body still fucking squirming (oh fuck) stirred up the butterflies in my stomach.

Posted by SoulJah at 3:46:00 AM

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