This post is titled by author SoulJah.

Only a true fan/friend will do this...
Thanks Livie, lotsa love...

Any more ladies with webcams? C'mon... Encourage me to work on this site some more... Everyone knows I need a little encouragement now and then...

Posted by SoulJah at 11:44:00 AM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah. I'll be making my biggest purchase in recent memory today... As of 5.30PM 28th April 2003, I'll be the proud owner of one PS2 unit... Well hopefully anyway... I can see now, my parents flippin' out with complete abandon... Woohah! UPDATE!: Well it turns out that the check will take 3 days to be cashed into my bank account so it's gonna take around oh, 3 or 4 days for a brand new straight-loader PS2. !()@$&)(@!&$(&@!($*&! Ah... I feel better already... I'm sure I'll keep ya posted on this one...

Posted by SoulJah at 9:12:00 AM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah.

Posted by SoulJah at 9:06:00 AM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah. An illegal keymaker was used to create the key that BPFTP is registered with.
Illegal use will not be tolerated.
If you register right away this incident will be overlooked.
You will now be taken to the registration page automatically.

OH SHIT! Heheh...

Posted by SoulJah at 3:00:00 PM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah.

Can anyone translate this?

I. R. Eminem

And if you're really bored, look under the Show Files section, and look for three .SWF files. One is of course the color blindness test, the second is the car commercial (taken off Honda's website, from the Opera Cache) and the third, is... well... you have to see it to believe it... It will suck hours of your life. Just do it in your friggin' room. Not on the living room computer.

Posted by SoulJah at 3:33:00 PM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah.

Heheh this is somewhat funny. Couldn't have said it better my self... And I swear, I didn't even use Photoshop on this one.

And this one is just so ripe for Photoshop junkies/Avril haters... Do your best/worst and get it posted up here... And if you can't see the possibilities of this photo, I suggest you watch some more porn...

Posted by SoulJah at 12:41:00 PM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah.

I.R. Powell

Posted by SoulJah at 12:12:00 PM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah. Heh... The previous post is for a specific someone I shall not reveal. Any bit of information can be used to know who this person is. Well anyway... I wanna talk about me for a while. Not a long, drawn out post, just a simple one. And here it is...


Heh never thought that growing up would seem so quick. So filled with boredom. So much experience gathered and shared. I don't know how to go about writing this post, just that I somehow need to open a bit. Just a bit, not that much.

The preceeding years before this was so uneventful and boring that if I was to exponentially graph my boredom level, it can be said that I won't be doing anything this year, and live like a mildew-infested bum off of my parents. Hell, last year I even made a prediction that I would die, and I'd be happy dying, seeing how my life is one boring mess and I won't regret leaving this world; saying things akin to "I don't wanna be bored when I reach [this certain age]. I'd be happy if my life was taken before I reach [this certain age]". Somehow, I feel that I made a premature prediction, and I pray to God that that prediction was made in a time of dark circumstances, and the Almighty shall stricken that comment off of my "Stupid Comments to be Considered for Approval" list.

Even though I seem like someone that would not leave his teen years, being rather playful, crazy and stupid, I always considered myself to be one to be already mature in my thinking process. Some of my closest friends can attest to this, debates raging on even about the simplest of matters, and aspiring to be one of mature thought in my appearance and how I carry myself. It can be said that I didn't like my teen life very much, which can be attributed to my boring life.

But now, there are so much laid out in front of me. Greener pastures can be seen just over the thorny vines that cover the pathway. I hope, nay, I shall strive to reach greener pastures in my own way, even through the said thorny vines, even through years of darkness, even through tragedy, I shall reach it. There is so much to lose. So much. Support me through this time, dear God, and I will do whatever I can to support others in my little circle of influence.

I know I belittle your support for me over the years, but I know I can change. I will change. For my future seed, I will change. I know that doing good deeds unto others, sidestepping the pathway to eternal damnation, and other little, miniscule things does not carry that much weight, but I hope that you shall see my good intention.

For Family. For Comrades. For Love. Help me through.

Posted by SoulJah at 11:44:00 AM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah. Oh my dear god... What have I done? Do I deserve this? I mean I know it's been a long time in coming, but dude... I'm way in over my head... ;)

Posted by SoulJah at 10:19:00 AM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah. Damn... Don't you just hate phones that could only have ten SMSes on them? Imagine a 2GB drive to, say a 20GB hard drive... You can't live with that can ya? It's like I have to delete messages for impending new messages. And how can I save good messages in that limited space? Fuck... Well it can be argued why the hell didn't I check about the limited space when I bought it? Well, back then I had no life, well it's not like I have a life now, but still, messaging is how I keep in contact. Now I'm at a cross roads. Spend my money on a brand new spanking phone like a 3300 or something much older, costing much less mind you, and with the possibility to trade in with my 3330. Well it's not like I need to have picture taking capabilities on my phone or something. MMS hasn't been implemented, so I don't see the use of that. I only need it for basic phone uses. But I admit, the *FLASH* value of a new SE P800 or a 3650 cannot be denied. Sigh... Well my minds made up... Anyone willing to trade? Don't worry, I'll add in some hard cash if you don't think this 3330 is good enough for your phone.

Posted by SoulJah at 11:03:00 AM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah. An update on the latest Animatrix. The latest version, A Detective Story came out around a week ago and I have had it on my hard disk for a while now. I meant to do the review sooner, but have been a bit busy.

The best description for this 121 MB download is "eerily realistic". The showpiece for this episode is the backgroud and foreground objects, not the complexity of the characters. The characters do animate flawlessly though, and a tad in the middle between Zone of Enders 2 anime realism and Ghost in the Shell animation fliuidity, and it straddles both rather nicely. But what immediately grabs your attention is the almost realistic, "noised", film noir detail of the objects in the foreground and background are, and the grungy, dwontrodden look of the environments the characters are in. Imagine carbon copy cut outs of objects in real life, and you're halfway there. From the realistic swaying flame from the detective's lighter, the textures on the clothings, the walls and various other objects are but minor perfect detail that sucks you in immediately. The film noir aesthetics of this episode complements the 50's/60's mechanical-steam-punk look of the environments/objects. The type-writer-ish computer that the detective is using screams of this mecha-steam-punk design philosophy.

Now onto the story, while a bit abbreviated and shallow, clues you in on how the "awaken/aware" people would contact/search the hackers and the person who is questioning their existence. It's about a detective being contacted by someone, possibly Morpheus, to look for Trinity. But what he doesn't know is that it's somekind of a test to see if the detective is good enough to be awaken. I admit I was confused at first, because if Morpheus wanted to look for Trinity, why would Trinity have that bug-sucking thing that Neo was introduced to in The Matrix? In this episode, the usage is rather odd, because the bug was located around the eye socket, not as in The Matrix, where it was placed inside the navel. Nevertheless, it's still a good episode, for those people wanting to know how it ends, and how Trinity would tie in to the whole story of The Matrix. It's a good addition to the Animatrix collection (as if you weren't gonna download it!).

Posted by SoulJah at 10:48:00 AM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah.

Boy... Was I bored...

[As of this moment, I'm still thinking what was I going to say...]

Ah yes, it's coming back to me now. I'll be selling some old computer stuff and my Dreamcast. Items like EDO RAM sticks (read: ancient) for those of you still running MMX era PCs. I know this item is hard to come by these days, so I'll be selling them really cheap. Around B$50 for... 48MBs total? Yeah 48MBs. B$50 is what I'm going for the other stuffs, but I'm really flexible when it comes to money...

Let's see... The power supply's still good, I'm selling that, the motherboard had some RAM holder thingamajig broken, so yeah you wouldn't want that. Fully working CD-Rom (read: doesn't write CDs). Maybe the 14" monitor too. The PCI Banshee graphics accelerator card for those of you still running that legacy port. And yeah that's about it. Each item for B$50, negotiable.

Ah the Dreamcast. My little loveable Dreamcast. Where I watch MPEG-1 files on. Where I play my MP3s on. Where I played the best games on the planet before it was dispersed onto other consoles. (case in point, Soul Calibur, Jet Grind Radio, Sonic, etc.) Well I have to sell this to maybe justify my purchase of a PS2. I mean I can NOT sell it, but B$200 will... Ya know... Ease the pain... It comes with several old, classic Dreamcast games and maybe I'll throw in some MPEG and MP3 CDs to boot. One working controller and one 4 bank, LCD-Less VMU. I think it has game saves of Gran Turismo 2 on one bank.

Well this might take some time to get noticed by Search Engine metacrawlers, but yeah, I can wail... But if you buy within the next year ( :) ) you can get a mystery gift! :p Well the usual applies. E-mail, rant, punch me when you see me, or whatever. If you want to purchase any of the above said items, get my attention. kthxbi.

Posted by SoulJah at 9:10:00 AM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah. Wow... It has been a while since I last posted... Well I can't blame myself for being too busy at work and all... But it's no reason for the patrons to this site to stare at the same post every single day. So here goes...

Ah oh yea, was called in to ITB on Saturday, and I can see that the interviewers were quite impressed with my qualifications... Woohoo! A big plus for me. Although they were quite surprised that I didn't apply to UBD with the results that I got. Which made me realise that I shouldn't have NOT applied to UBD. But what's done is done. There's no use in dwelling in the past. I guess that was the most eventful day, well this past few weeks anyway. Work, then return home, sleep. Repeat ad nauseum.

And in a few weeks time, I'll be shelling out for my second next-gen console. Yes! Woohoo! $600 for a new, fully modded, no disc swapping PS2. Woohoo! Oh why the second next gen console you ask? I have a Dreamcast silly. On which I play my, emm, dubious MPEG files, and of course, MP3 files. Ahh I love the little Dreamcast that could.

But something intriguing has surfaced. I caught a showing of The Screen Savers, which, in all honesty, was sleep inducing at times whenever Leo or Patrick says something, because they're apparently the monotone speaking twins. But what was intriguing was that they showed a mod'ed XboX that can do what the Dreamcast can, and much more, off of a hard disk! I was really intrigued and aroused at the same time. I mean come on. 120 GBs of space, and you're able to play backup games off of the hard disk, and you can copy media files and pictures and what not. By god, this is the perfect media player for a friggin car! And home, of course, but I've been looking for a way to fit a media player that's able to play DVD discs and be able to play other media files off of a massive hard disk. Preferrably on a Linux platform running off an old PC, (which I happen to have) but this mod'ed XboX is generally the way to go, being supported by the Open Source community at Source Forge. XboX Live is not a concern of mine, (this service will be able to alert Microsoft that you have a mod'ed XboX), so yeah, this is one fine puppy. Now to get the Source Forge crowd to code the mod OS to perform from a touch screen LCD.

Woohoo! A project to work on! Hopefully this is something that I'd be able to pull off before I'm 25. Hopefully.

Posted by SoulJah at 9:25:00 AM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah. FULHAM 0, BLACKBURN 4!
Blackburn 4, Fulham 0 on Google news.

Now onto a post on Brudirect by some dude who got slapped because the dad of the girl he wanted to marry didn't want him to be a son in law because he's not that highly qualified (aka didn't go overseas for his studies). So he posted some highly dubios pictures of alleged Bruneian kids drinking in a Bar somewhere in the UK, and allegedly showing the girl. Well I had my say on the Brudirect's Have Your Say thingamajig, but I will refrain from posting here because I still have some respect for certain people. And I don't wanna post the site containing the pictures, because I have morals, and I won't wanna be defamed by having my pictures up on some site. But I suggest you might take a gander, just to look for familiar faces. The link can be found interspersed on Brudirect's Have Your Say thingamajig.

But what's disturbing is that I found a picture of a familiar face. I'm not sure if it's him, but some might be able to recognize him much better that I do.


I guess you would get tired of Chris Pirillo fondling his boobs all the time, so I brought you some reading materials to, um, read...

Legacy Free PCs

Google vs. Yahoo!

Found on SlashDot.

Posted by SoulJah at 9:30:00 AM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah. Here's some updates for ya... Call for Help is already replacing any instances of Chris Pirillo on the website. They took out Chris' mug from the graphics and replaced Chris' info with Leo's in the About Us section. The official line is that Chris is leaving so that he can focus more on Lockergnome and, quite possibly, GnomeDex. But why in the world does he need to leave! WHY GOD WHY? *sob* *uncontrollably*

Well, Chris, as you say on Call for Help, "E-Ya Later!" buddy. I give you this three finger salute, with all the best of luck in your future endeavours.

Here is a little collection of Chris' pictures found on Google.

E-Ya Later!

Posted by SoulJah at 11:23:00 AM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah. You know, shocking news aren't good for the old ticker, expecially when you get it in the morning... Chris Pirillo announced that he will no longer be with TechTV. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And guess who will be back, yes, the incomparable Leo Laporte. No offense Leo, but I like Chris much better. Chris will be sorely missed.

Posted by SoulJah at 8:14:00 AM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah. A post on

"Soul Calibur II (Multi Import) - It's back, it's beautiful. Gameplay and graphics are top-notch on every platform, there's enough replay value to keep you busy for ages, and nothing's been changed for the worse from the original. So, how do they stack up? The Xbox version looks the best graphically, but doesn't go so far as to completely blow the other two out of the water. Spawn is a good fit to the game, and the S-Controller works very well for me. The GameCube version looks very good as well, although the button layout of the standard GC controller doesn't play as well. Link is an outstanding addition to the game; although he seems strangely out of place in this world, somehow it works. The PlayStation2 is the weakest of the three, but not by much. Intense fighting in tight quarters will lead to dropped frames, which is distracting but not too terrible. Heihachi is, well, Heihachi, and plays surprisingly close to his old Tekken self. Aside from the above, the games are identical, and picking it up on any of the systems is a great investment for your gaming dollar."

The next generation of my favourite game of all times, and yes it's on the Dreamcast, Soul Calibur. Maybe this game will ease my migration to PS2, which I'm gonna be making at the end of May, which will be a 20+ day belated birthday present. But it's OK. Now onto some screen grabs, courtesy of Namco of Japan. [Note these may take a while. I suggest you go cook Maggi or something.]

Link, only available exclusively on the Gamecube Version.

Heihachi, only available exclusively on the PlayStation2 Version.

Spawn, only available exclusively on the XBox Version.

I posted a few days back that my Stats4All account is about to be shut down right? Well I had two Stats4All accounts tied to my e-mail account, one for the currently installed one on this site, the other one is for FlippedOutCrew. I did that when those "$50 NetKad, unlimited surf time" ruled the web, when #ms was still an interesting place to hang out, way back before this new layout was thought up of. Why do I bring this up, apparently showing my ineptitude with graphics design back then? Well honestly I don't think of it as my ineptitude, rather it was a stepping stone before I got here. I hope the growth, from then until now, will hopefully continue in my quest to become a better web designer.

And I have to throw this in. Two of my favourite things in the entire world.

Jakki Degg and a Gameboy Advance SP

Courtesy of

Posted by SoulJah at 1:22:00 PM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah. Heheh... Livie posted this on her site...

"SoulJah of stupidlogic had a celebrity go to his site. A CELEBRITY!!! Goddamn. Some people get all the luck. He had Chris Pirillo visit his site!! YOU DON'T KNOW WHO CHRIS PIRILLO IS?? Shame on you. I do hope AZIM knows. Azim, you've been watching CFH alot lately.. so you should know! :P"

Heheheh.... My god... I still can't get over it... HE VISITED MY SITE! Well the fact is that he only checked in here because he was checking how the Voidstar RSSify thingy would work on a normal site... Yes I posted in his comments section so yeah, he got my link from there...

Chris' comment can be found here :

And oh ya... Anyone listened to the morning drive this morning? CapitalFM exactly. Yeah Steve Penk's show. Around 7.22 am Brunei time, after the song Starlight, we were shocked to find, during the song, Steve's Mom called him, and told him an earth shattering news. Well not exactly earth shattering, but it'll shock the bollocks off of ya.

She told him in 1960, she (Steve's Mum) met a young lad named, Elvis Presley. She alleged that she done the horizontal mambo with the superstar, and Steve was the product of Elvis' loins... Ewwww...

All the time, I was listening to this, I was slacked jawed, smiling like a stupid bastard, horrified, etc. You know, all those emotions that you go through when you found out a really shocking news.

Mind you, I drive to work with my dad. So during my slacked-jawed-ness, he blurted out, "April Fool kali?" meaning "Maybe it's an April Fool's joke?". I didn't even think that it was joke, until my dad said that! Hahahahahhahahahhahah! Damn! I really thought it was true! Even Steve's Mom sounded really serious and sombre about it. Heheheheh good one man! But in the remotest possibility that it is true, the joke's on me for posting this, but hey, at least I got the first scoop first!

Posted by SoulJah at 8:26:00 AM

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