This post is titled by author SoulJah. An update on the latest Animatrix. The latest version, A Detective Story came out around a week ago and I have had it on my hard disk for a while now. I meant to do the review sooner, but have been a bit busy.

The best description for this 121 MB download is "eerily realistic". The showpiece for this episode is the backgroud and foreground objects, not the complexity of the characters. The characters do animate flawlessly though, and a tad in the middle between Zone of Enders 2 anime realism and Ghost in the Shell animation fliuidity, and it straddles both rather nicely. But what immediately grabs your attention is the almost realistic, "noised", film noir detail of the objects in the foreground and background are, and the grungy, dwontrodden look of the environments the characters are in. Imagine carbon copy cut outs of objects in real life, and you're halfway there. From the realistic swaying flame from the detective's lighter, the textures on the clothings, the walls and various other objects are but minor perfect detail that sucks you in immediately. The film noir aesthetics of this episode complements the 50's/60's mechanical-steam-punk look of the environments/objects. The type-writer-ish computer that the detective is using screams of this mecha-steam-punk design philosophy.

Now onto the story, while a bit abbreviated and shallow, clues you in on how the "awaken/aware" people would contact/search the hackers and the person who is questioning their existence. It's about a detective being contacted by someone, possibly Morpheus, to look for Trinity. But what he doesn't know is that it's somekind of a test to see if the detective is good enough to be awaken. I admit I was confused at first, because if Morpheus wanted to look for Trinity, why would Trinity have that bug-sucking thing that Neo was introduced to in The Matrix? In this episode, the usage is rather odd, because the bug was located around the eye socket, not as in The Matrix, where it was placed inside the navel. Nevertheless, it's still a good episode, for those people wanting to know how it ends, and how Trinity would tie in to the whole story of The Matrix. It's a good addition to the Animatrix collection (as if you weren't gonna download it!).

Posted by SoulJah at 10:48:00 AM

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