This post is titled by author SoulJah. Wow... It has been a while since I last posted... Well I can't blame myself for being too busy at work and all... But it's no reason for the patrons to this site to stare at the same post every single day. So here goes...

Ah oh yea, was called in to ITB on Saturday, and I can see that the interviewers were quite impressed with my qualifications... Woohoo! A big plus for me. Although they were quite surprised that I didn't apply to UBD with the results that I got. Which made me realise that I shouldn't have NOT applied to UBD. But what's done is done. There's no use in dwelling in the past. I guess that was the most eventful day, well this past few weeks anyway. Work, then return home, sleep. Repeat ad nauseum.

And in a few weeks time, I'll be shelling out for my second next-gen console. Yes! Woohoo! $600 for a new, fully modded, no disc swapping PS2. Woohoo! Oh why the second next gen console you ask? I have a Dreamcast silly. On which I play my, emm, dubious MPEG files, and of course, MP3 files. Ahh I love the little Dreamcast that could.

But something intriguing has surfaced. I caught a showing of The Screen Savers, which, in all honesty, was sleep inducing at times whenever Leo or Patrick says something, because they're apparently the monotone speaking twins. But what was intriguing was that they showed a mod'ed XboX that can do what the Dreamcast can, and much more, off of a hard disk! I was really intrigued and aroused at the same time. I mean come on. 120 GBs of space, and you're able to play backup games off of the hard disk, and you can copy media files and pictures and what not. By god, this is the perfect media player for a friggin car! And home, of course, but I've been looking for a way to fit a media player that's able to play DVD discs and be able to play other media files off of a massive hard disk. Preferrably on a Linux platform running off an old PC, (which I happen to have) but this mod'ed XboX is generally the way to go, being supported by the Open Source community at Source Forge. XboX Live is not a concern of mine, (this service will be able to alert Microsoft that you have a mod'ed XboX), so yeah, this is one fine puppy. Now to get the Source Forge crowd to code the mod OS to perform from a touch screen LCD.

Woohoo! A project to work on! Hopefully this is something that I'd be able to pull off before I'm 25. Hopefully.

Posted by SoulJah at 9:25:00 AM

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