This post is titled Wasai Wong Kadir pt. 1 by author SoulJah. DSC_3981 (by SoulJah)

A light drizzle greeted us from our slumber last Sunday, which was to be our biggest trekking outing for the Forum members. Doubts were cast, wondering if the rain will persist the whole day, and if the weather would clear just about enough to permit us to go nature trekking up into the hills of Wasai Wong Kadir. A quick drive over to HSBC Jerudong, where the decision to go ahead or not was to be made; quick glances on all the faces to see if any disapproval to go ahead for the drive over to Labi, somehow, we all just loaded up into the transports, and a non verbal agreement was made to decide later after the drive over the the state borders.

After the drive down to Sungai Liang to meet up with the KB chapter of our forumites, the light rain still persisted. I proclaimed I'm going up regardless, and if everyone's still up for a trek in the rain, we go ahead; and anyone who decides against it can sit it out. Almost all were in for it, seeing we just had a long drive over, might as well. After a quick prayer, we set out slowly, meandering through the slippery trails, over branches, on slippery moss covered rocks, in the light rain, with the cool surrounding air the whole time we were there.

After a good 30 minutes trek, we were greeted by the cool water of the Wasai, and some of the Forumites decide to reward themselves with a dip. Hardly anyone could resist taking even dipping their feet into the cool morning water, and under the guise of 'taking a good composition for the photo', yours truly went with tripod in hand into the water to take a couple of photos.

It was worth it.

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Posted by SoulJah at 4:27:00 PM

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