This post is titled Wow... I won... by author SoulJah.

This won me first prize for the local youth competition! And I'll be going to Singapore to the Asean + 3 Youth Festival representing Brunei with this photo! Awesome! Theme of the shoot for that day was Global Warming.
Caption: A monitor lizard inspects an intruder to his habitat.
Description: The use of water bottles has exploded in recent years due to the convenience of having bottled water at the ready for daily use. Numerous companies in Brunei have wholeheartedly embraced this growth market and introduce their own brands of bottled water. The bottles are actually recyclable, but either due to public indifference, or ignorance, the water bottles are unceremoniously discarded. If it doesn’t pose a direct threat to wildlife, an indirect effect of that would be global warming due to the increasing use of hydrocarbons to produce the PET bottles; it has been noted that recycling plastic material amounts to a saving of more than 50% than producing the bottles from their source materials.Top Shutterbugs Awarded In Photography Competition
By Adriana HAC
Bandar Seri Begawan - A prize presentation ceremony for winners of the recent photography competition which carried the theme 'Global Warming' was held yesterday at the Youth Centre in the capital.
The competition was organised by the Youth and Sports Department in cooperation with Brunei Darussalam Photographic Society.
Present as the guest of honour was Haji Mohd Zali bin Haji Arshad, the Assistant Head of Youth and Sports Officer.
The ceremony began with the recital of Surah alFatihah led by Ustaz Suprapto bin Komari followed by a brief speech from the Head Judge of the Brunei Darussalam Photographic Society, Haji Mohd Yusof bin bin Haji Mohd Yassin.
The top five winners were announced during the ceremony followed by the handing over of certificates of appreciation to all participants.
Mohd Khairul Nizam bin Haji Abd Rahman was adjudged as the winner while Mohammad Taufiq bin Yakub came second. In third place was Mohamad Mahadzir Iskandar bin Zakaria followed by Dyg Hazimah binti Abd Hamid and Haji Abdul Azim @ Haj Mu'az bin Haji Tujoh.
The winner will be representing Brunei Darussalam for the "ASEAN+3 Youth Festival Photography Competition" in Singapore from July 28 to Aug 3. -- Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin Competition, Documenting, News, Outing, Photography, Social Awareness
Posted by SoulJah at 9:14:00 AM
10 Comment(s):
congrats! lawa ur foto, really deserve the win
By , at Wednesday, May 28, 2008
congrats bro, BFF is proud of ya! The photo deserves a win indeed
By , at Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Congratz dude! Btw, issat ur lil pet lizard? *hahahaha*
By , at Wednesday, May 28, 2008
guess all the hard work and money really pays off..was it 2k? i need to upgrade my lens *hint*
By , at Thursday, May 29, 2008
That is awesome man. Congrats dude.
By , at Thursday, May 29, 2008
congrats, comrade
By Ashrin, at Thursday, May 29, 2008
Congratz dude! Make us prouder nanti di Singapore.
By , at Friday, May 30, 2008
Awwh! That is so cute! Macam ia bawa pelampung.
I know it's not good for the bottle to be there, but it's like he's bringing it swimming.
Congratulations, by the by!
By Tina D, at Friday, May 30, 2008
Wahh congrats! :) Aku gali pulang liat tapi lawa! Hehe.
By War186, at Friday, May 30, 2008
HAHAHHAHHAHA War buleh kau cakap kau gali tapi lawa hehehe.. tapinya aku pun pikir its cute or maybe caption nya "eh dari mana lagi dtg butul ani" or someethanng like that.
By , at Saturday, May 31, 2008
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