This post is titled AM Gunners vs. Sekolah Sukan Charity Match by author SoulJah. 0004_NIKON D300_DSC_3011
His Royal Highness Prince Abdul Mateen takes a practice shot before the start of the game.

In what can be considered a spirited match, AM Gunners, led by His Royal Highness Prince Abdul Mateen fought to the last minute, going down to a 2-4 score against Sekolah Sukan. A very entertaining match, with a very entertaining crowd cheering on both teams, meant a very, very entertaining shooting experience despite the light downpour. Most of us braved the rain with plastic bags over our gear to get a good shot of the action. The weather cleared up for the second half, which saw a flurry of goals.

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His Royal Highness Prince Abdul Mateen takes a shot, which levelled the score 1-1.
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A group photo to end the night of charity. Final take from the ticket booths: $6551.70.

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Posted by SoulJah at 5:12:00 PM

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