This post is titled Rickshaw Lady by author SoulJah. 0155_DSC_0002

As we made our way to Kg. Tamoi Ujung on our walkabout on the narrow pathways meandering through Kg. Ayer, we see these rickshaw/tricycle type things left on the verandahs of certain houses. I wondered how would one traverse the narrow pathways with such bravado, when we met these ladies about to depart, going the other way we were heading in.

At first, they seemed reluctant to ride out, thinking that we were some tourists, carrying our huge cameras and lenses taking pictures of odd stuff. Japanese would be a bit of a stretch, maybe from Thailand or Burma perhaps. But after the old ladies, who are conveniently hiding away inside the house no less, egged them on to just go on ahead perhaps thinking that it'd make a good photo opportunity to the 'tourists', they rode off stifling their giggles.

So off they went pedalling away, keeping a perfect composure, while I burst as fast as the buffers could muster. Suddenly they went off on a junction, trying to hide off at the end of a pathway. Only after we moved on did they come out, peering out from the junction to make sure we were gone, giggling because they got to dodge us.

Here's the sequence of shots that I got. If there are shots like these everytime I make these outings to Kg. Ayer again, I can say these would make perfect highlights to my excursions there.

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Posted by SoulJah at 1:52:00 AM

2 Comment(s):
she's beautiful!
By Anonymous Anonymous, at Monday, September 10, 2007  

Heheh... I know, right?
By Blogger SoulJah, at Tuesday, September 11, 2007  

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