This post is titled Walk For Life; A Bloggers United Call to Arms by author SoulJah.
inThe turnout was incredible, seeing how everything was pulled off through the collective known as
Bruneian Bloggers. It's a wonder this online thing, it even surprises this old tech addict sometimes.

A nice and bright sunrise greets the walkers for the morning event, even though there were clouds looming, everyone managed to avoid the midday downpour which ensued a few hours later.

An occasion worthy to drag your friends out of bed of, almost everyone that day didn't walk alone, that in itself is pretty symbolic if you think about it.

There was some fair time to wait for others to arrive, so why not look around and see who you recognize.

English Premiership clubs has a managerie of teams that sports the colour red as their kits, so no wonder a lot of team club shirts were worn that day.

Some forego reasonable logic, and go all out to show their support, wearing an oversized
Red Ribbon for the walk. Others opted for a smaller one handed out by the organizers.

Fitness Zone instructors out to show their support for the event as well, warming up those bodies from the inherent cool air surrounding the field.

Even a auntie warmed up quickly, replete in her Red tudong.

As well as government officials showing their support for the event.

Almost time to release the walkers.

Another one sporting a jersey of their favourite team.

I love this shot for no apparent reason.

A local DJ Zura from Pelangi FM. Which shoots Nikon D70. Also known in the blogging scene as Violet of
Violet and Blue.

I don't know her, but I'd like to get to know her.

As always, the ever knowing Rano from
Ranoadidas was there.

Excerpt from
Liyana's blog:
"There are 18 people living with HIV/AIDS in Brunei, 30+ reported cases. What do you know about HIV/AIDS? What does your child, your teenager or your neighbour know about it? Everyone is at risk. Everyone."
This is Liyana by the way.
"There is a large proportion of young people who are not concerned about being infected with HIV. A multifaceted approach to HIV/AIDS is prevention. Individuals, peers, families and schools should be more supportive in reducing the incidence of HIV/AIDS in Brunei's small population."
Taken from outside the bus, in.

EDIT: Ness from with the Tudong, and DJ Honey aka
StrictlyBeautiful, apparently in the middle of an engaging story.

Deleted upon request.

Of course the head honcho,


A person who likes Aviators is cool by me.

Rosie from EDIT: Amy on the left, and Maurina from
Maurina's Turquoise and Roses. EDIT: Amy is from
Prozac Nation.

70-200mm f/2.8 VR with special guest appearance of the Nikon D200, lovingly in the hands of Airbiscuit from

The bubbly
Liyana was a delight.

Sorry auntie, your picture is last.
To all the bloggers who have their pictures featured here, please do comment so I can put you up in this post.
You can read up more on the Brunei Darussalam's Aids Council on their
EDIT: The rest of the pictures are here. Added some more links identifying some more of the bloggers.
Labels: News, Outing, Photography, Social Awareness
Posted by SoulJah at 11:53:00 AM
7 Comment(s):
naaaaah iatah membari kamboh balik ni tasliur kan membali Nikon wang...
By Reedz, at Monday, May 28, 2007
"I don't know her, but I'd like to get to know her"
nice pics dude..!
By jIM, at Monday, May 28, 2007
interesting coverage bro, lots of lovely "subjects" ;)
By , at Monday, May 28, 2007
<33333 my 70-200 VR :P~
By airbiscuit, at Monday, May 28, 2007
Excellent coverage! *thumbs up* :D
By War186, at Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Hey a Nikonite. Good on you mate. You take interesting pictures. Lots of lovely chicks in your blog. Well done.
By TheGuywiththeNikon, at Thursday, May 31, 2007
"I don't know her, but I'd like to get to know her"
So did you?
I'll be back in a month! I hope you're going to take me to some movie where I can giggle my ass off :D
ps. don't worry abt the polaroid camera. we can always find me alternative presents
By yas, at Friday, June 01, 2007
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