This post is titled Why I love Flickr pt 1 by author SoulJah. maps

I can place all my images on a map! Geotagging my images is made easier now that Yahoo has seen fit to update the map a bit. It used to be impossible to zoom in, and all you would get anyway is a mush of pixels. Now that they have a more recent data (well not that recent, the Sungai Akar roundabout hasn't been built yet by their maps) and a higher resolution at that of Brunei, now I'm able to see what that green mush was that was close to my residence. Turns out it's a dam. I seriously hadn't known about that dam until perusing the Flickr maps.

I'm already planning to write in and ask for permission to shoot there in the next few weeks.

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Posted by SoulJah at 12:51:00 PM

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