This post is titled Matadoe by author SoulJah.
Went to Matadoe at Mata-Mata, Gadong last night as a favor for this special person. Been meaning to treat her to dinner for a long time but hadn't had the chance until last night. Nice ambience, secluded place, nice food, it's a wonder I hadn't found this place sooner, as I always frequent another establishment in the general area.
Upon the recommendation by
AnakBrunei, I chose the Spicy Fried Rice and Spicy Chicken Wings. And she chose Chocolate Fondue. How spicy was my food? I've always had a suspicion that the roots of my hair has
scoville detectors, because as soon as spicy food gets onto my tongue, my hair roots will go on fire. And it was 'ablaze' last night, as there was nowhere my tongue can run away, as the Spicy Fried Rice and Spicy Chicken Wings did their one-two punch.
In all, I like the place, gives another alternative to the Gadong, Kiulap traffic jam conundrum. And as we will move our operations across the street from that area, I think it will become my favourite hang out place soon.
Now onto the pictures!

And Now, For Something Completely Different
Labels: Photography, Reviews
Posted by SoulJah at 4:13:00 PM
3 Comment(s):
You could say it's a nice place for a date, eh? ;)
By War186, at Monday, March 26, 2007
Haha yeah, it's much more secluded than Gadong or Kiulap so it's perfect for that.
By SoulJah, at Monday, March 26, 2007
I like the mee mamak n fries there.. N i love d deco of d place + d free wifi.. Keke im also surprised that uve never been there....
but they allow people to smoke inside... *pfft*
By , at Tuesday, March 27, 2007
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