This post is titled Fujifilm Finepix S5Pro DSLR by author SoulJah.

Do want.

In other news, my order arrived from QQestore today. Well yesterday actually, but the prick Michael forgot to update the fricking system and that in turn failed to SMS me about the items arrival. I almost blew it when the cute chick there kinda made me not want to. So all is well, bought the filters and the batteries and went back to the office immediately to test the stuff out.

Can you guess what I just bought?



WIRELESS FLASH TRIGGERING YO! As ably illustrated by my friend here.


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Posted by SoulJah at 4:28:00 PM

4 Comment(s):
Hy again bro,

I visited ur blog 5 times a day at least, i was hoping to 2 c more pix. And this is the latest, i'm quiet impress with it, Nikon do capture sharp & detail pictures.

Be4 i went to this blog, i was determine to get the EOS 400D, I'll get the Nikon instead, considering there are a couple of hundreds differences. Got to wait few more months to get it.....paksa ikat parut nie......
By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, March 20, 2007  

While others might say that the Canon 400D and Nikon D80 are comparable, but to me the main advantage of the Nikon is that all the flexibility of the Nikon has to offer is right within reach, and is much more comparable to the higher end stuff put out by Nikon or Canon.

I can adjust settings much more faster with one had with the Nikon, which helps when you want to adjust settings while your eye is to the viewfinder. The focus area selection is intuitive, the grip is comfortable than the smallish 400D, and wireless flash photography, which I'm starting to get into, is much more easier in the D80, as it has the functionality built in.

This review helped me make my decision:
By Blogger SoulJah, at Tuesday, March 20, 2007  

I hate you and your money.
By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, April 13, 2007  

Thanks for thinking I have lots of money!
By Blogger SoulJah, at Friday, April 13, 2007  

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