This post is titled I'm really sorry guys... by author SoulJah. I have been neglecting my baby for a couple of months now. It's the start of August and my last post was sometime in May, and I'm truly sorry for that. Will try to get into the swing of things while updating on the stuff that has happened bit by bit, as there were a lot that had happened since then, so as I remember them I'll post em up.

World Cup 2006 came and went, and the finale was a bittersweet match. Not that I wanted a better end to Zidane's career, no, it was because the team that won beat Germany to get there, and they beat the team that I despised the most. Yes, bittersweet.

Explomaths was done and done, and got paid, albeit less than what I expected, but hey at least I got me a new Nokia N80 for all the trouble. I'd take a picture of it... with itself... but it'd be to MySpace-y for me. Link. And as expected, right after I bought it, the price reduced dramatically. At the time of buying, it was BND$1,060 with a 1 GB memory card, but now, it can be found for BND$978 with 128mb memory card.

Met my webmistress finally, for the first time, and watched Pirates of the Caribbean with her, and to my horror, she's a giggler :p And she finally handed me the Tie/Money Clip that she bought me for my birthday, which is to me, the most awesome invention ever conceived.

Picture taken with Nokia N80, which I'm gushing all over. It already is my main camera, my surfing tool at coffee shops, my MSN messenger tool, my MP3 player, my daily planner and my Google mapper, (now that Brunei can already be 'seen' by Google Maps) all in one handy sliding device. And people now understand the amount of silliness that I go through to protect my investment, moving from one hard case to another, to a crystal case, and now, a leather pouch type of thing. Yes, I am that silly.

Oh if you have the chance, (and you live in Brunei) get those Blackadder and Little Britain compilation DVD's. Comedic genius, and it's from the British. You just can't compete with that dry British humor.

Anyway, I'll have to sign off for now, until next time.

Posted by SoulJah at 4:51:00 PM

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