This post is titled Ryu Ga Gotoku (a.k.a. Yakuza) is getting an English translation. by author SoulJah.

Joystiq says:
Sega's lauded Japanese Yakuza game Ryu Ga Gotoku ("Like a Dragon") is going to bring its distinct brand of gangster-infused street brawling to the US and Europe. Matt Woodley, Creative Director of SEGA Europe said:

"We feel that the street brawling gameplay in particular will impress everyone... Getting this spot on in games has proven hard for some developers in the past, but the Yakuza team have pulled it off with great style. Add to that some of the most evocative locations seen in a game and we have a title SEGA are very excited to be releasing."

The title has been described as a badass Shenmue, with similarly memorable city environs and a darker, more violent storyline. The game will be renamed Yakuza for it's summer 2006 release on PlayStation 2.

Ever since I saw this title surfacing online, I've been intrigued by it. A beat-em-up game that doesn't suck? Not since the days of Double Dragon and Streets of Rage has that happened. And the lavish production values has made it into a game full of detail and nuances and the acting, virtual and voice, is top notch. Think Shenmue meets Grand Theft Auto meets a Yakuza movie, without the Sailors, the silliness, and you can fully interact with. This is my most anticipated game after Star Wars: Empire At War. Let's just hope they don't take the Japanese voice actors out of the game. That would ruin the illusion of a fully breathing Japanese underworld. Hey, if I can read subtitles while watching action on screen, it's safe to say you can too.

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Posted by SoulJah at 8:41:00 PM

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