This post is titled AIKIDO! by author SoulJah.
It was last, last Friday, and was sitting around after Amar's... uh... "Getting a job" celebrations, when a friend told about the upcoming Aikido demonstration that was going on later that night at the Stadium.
Had to look for the exact place, which, admittedly was pretty hard to describe really, unless I can just stand there and point it out for ya. It was a good thirty minutes of waiting at the Indoor stadium before I got the idea to surf for "Brunei Aikido Demonstration" on my GPRS phone, and had the news story posted on Brudirect appear, along with the committee member's phone number in it. Called him, and still didn't get the right place, so by the time I found the place, I was like a good one hour late.

Sat there, along with GodZul, and the friends that made the plans to join up and wanna see the whole thing didn't even show up. It was cool though, as the Grand Master that flew in from Malaysia was flipping people over and stuff, locking their hands in awkward and painful positions. Thought about signing up then, but had to wait for my allowance to come out, so had to register on Monday, the day practice was supposed to start. Picked up a size 4 martial arts costume, but that was too damned small for practice, so had to exchange it for a size 5 on the day of second practice which was on last Friday.
Had fun at the training though. Tiring, but fun. Interlocking hands. Getting hands interlocked. Tossing people about and stuff. Getting tossed around. Ya know, that's the deal at these Aikido trainings. But I just can't seem to remember the name of the moves that should be said out loud before performing the move though. But I shall study it proper in time... In time...
Such a graceful art, Aikido, and I think I'm gonna put in extra effort to study the art and probably keep a journal to write down the moves. Now... to learn Japanese...
Posted by SoulJah at 12:48:00 AM
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