This post is titled iPod nano. Ok. Apple, you got me this time. by author SoulJah.

iPod nano
That is one hot piece of hardware. I admit that. I admit that. But... but! But, I won't see myself getting one. I'd be ok if someone given it to me, but I just don't see myself getting one. I mean, the 4G iPod is a bit more expensive and it has 20GBs of storage. Bad deal to get a 'too slim' device.

But now onto something more interesting. Some Japanese enterprising hardware hackers have been dissecting the thing to see the innards this sexy beast. And the most compelling piece of information is that the memory used is Samsung flash memory.

Some Korean MP3 player manufacturers are apparently getting all uppity because Samsung has been supplying Apple with a super discount on memory amounting of up to 50% in some cases. Which is understandable, as Samsung is of course a Korean company.

You can find more pictures of the packaging the guts of the nano on this translated page.

While the introduction of the nano gets rave reviews, some iPod lovers are quietly mourning the passing away of the iPod Mini, as it was effectively killed off to not give any semblance of competition to the nano. Engadget has a story on the iPod lineage, with the article titled "The iPod family cemetary".

KDDI Talby
With all this talk of the nano being thin and all, I vaguely remembered a phone released by KDDI of Japan titled the KDDI Talby. Part of the 'au design project' commisioned by KDDI, they had famous designers design these wonderful, functional phones, and the one that caught my eye was the Talby that was thin by comparison with other phones out there currently out in the market.

More info here of the Talby. Click on the orange English link and you can find more phones there like the INFOBAR, W11K and PENCK at the top, and you can go to the main site to find more phones under the 'au design project'.

Posted by SoulJah at 1:53:00 AM

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