This post is titled You'll hear it here first! by author SoulJah. Wireless USB is getting ratified at this moment as I type this. While still a long ways off to a final product offering, the possibility of data transfer rates reaching USB2.0 standards via Ultra Wide Band without nary a copper connection in sight is giddying to say the least.

Just today, a company is thinking of making the whole connection process occur without any user intervention (no passcodes, no keypress, nada) which seems silly at best.

That's what got me to think on how to get the whole thing to work. With the whole Windows Vista coming in 2006, they'd still have time to implement this idea and steal implement it as they see fit.
I'd still want a confirmation dialog box once in a while, as I may not want to be connected to that printer or that removable disk, so this balloon notifier should do the trick. Which, I need to regedit my registry to not suppress these balloons, but I digress.

To keep the whole transfer secure, there should be some MD5 or some other checksum checker that hand shakes the device and the computer initially, and when it's done, it should be transferring the data over said encryoted frequency. Or something. I don't know, but I feel each device should only be accessed to one authorized PC and can't be sniffed by others. The same issue was brought up with Wi Fi as people move away from Cat 5 cables, so why shouldn't it be brought up here?

That's one thought-nagging thing out of the way. Any ideas on how they should really implement this?

Posted by SoulJah at 3:14:00 AM

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