This post is titled War of the Worlds!!! by author SoulJah. That movie was awesome. The first movie where you think there was no hope for mankind anymore. The retro looking machines that goes off on a rampage was pretty menacing as well. The sound that it made when it's about to go on a killing spree was terrifying.

I like how they went with the story here. They're just focusing on a normal family, just a plain normal family trying to save their own hides. And their interaction with a few thousand other people who are so scared, they're willing to do anything to try to run and hide. It's how normal people can turn to psychos if they're terrified to shits.

A good movie, doesn't go wonky with the special effects, only needing it at scenes where it's absolutely necessary. The cinematography is awesome, a tad dizzying though, as the actors faces sometimes take up a third of the screen and they move quite a lot in that space, but when you watch the scene where the camera was panning from the right side of the car, pulls out, swoops the ground loking up at the car moving to the left side of the car, and then pulling in tight looking through the windshield without nary a cut, you'd be surprised as well.

A very good movie, very artfully done, just... don't be too hard on the ending. They needed an ending, and a happy one at that, so... just... don't be too critical on that ok?

8 Tripozigods out of 9.

Posted by SoulJah at 8:27:00 AM

1 Comment(s):
i hated this movie.. yeah ending nya crappy ;)

and u sooo reminded me of my ex-bf.. grrr..
By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, October 19, 2006  

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