This post is titled PortableFirefox by author SoulJah. Sorry about the icon container being way up there, but blogger is currently inserting some codes into each posts, something like <div style="clear:both;"></div>, and that just drives me insane. Argh.

Anyhow, onto our post for tonight. I was sitting at the computer lab, on a PC, surfing with IE, without Firefox. I'm not a big fan of Firefox though, but surfing without tabs and "middle-click-and-open-into-new-tab" is just maddening. There I sat, pondering my predicament. I thought, wouldn't it be cool if they have Firefox that you can load up on a USB thumb drive and surf off of that.

Behold, PortableFirefox.

Surprised I was!

Nice feature that I particularly like is that I can store my Proxy username and password (yeah they have this Nazi thing where we must input our username and password everytime we wanna surf a page) and let Firefox remember that so I can just plug in my USB drive and surf without entering the password.

Just... go download it and try it out. You know you want to.

Posted by SoulJah at 11:13:00 PM

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