This post is titled Star Wars 3: Revenge of the Sith by author SoulJah. In one word: Breathtaking. Clearly an improvement over the last two titles and it could even nudge some older trilogy to take the top three spot. Everything in that movie brings a tear to the eye, and I meant that in a good way. Every scene will remind you of something along the rich history of the far away galaxy, from the Old Republic as seen in Knights of the Old Republic game, the Clone Wars animated series and of course the other five movies as well. And the whole experience was accentuated by a kid wearing a Darth Vader mask sitting directly in front of our row. Talk about coolness and geekiness.

If you have to watch a movie this summer, make it this one. Even more so if you're a Star Wars fan. Just... be ready to feel... sad...

Posted by SoulJah at 3:27:00 AM

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