This post is titled I'm seriously considering the Nikon D70 by author SoulJah.

I've caught the Digital Photography bug, and all signs point to "YES"!

Have been a fan of digital photography for ages (bought a $700 Casio QV10-AB camera during the Pentium MMX era) but monetary constaints limit me to play only with cameras that other people own. Like the school's, or the student body's camera. Right now my toys are the Sony Cybershot DSC-F77A and also a Nikon F65.

Been taking the cameras around to take some shots for the school and also some for personal outings like to the beach recently, and I have to say, I like what I'm seeing. But it could be better, so I'm aiming for the Nikon D70 early next year so I can hone my skills some more. Added with my love of digital photo manipulation, I can see great things in the foreseeable future.

A review of the Nikon D70 can be found here, comparing it with Canon's own Digital Rebel aka the EOS300D, which I also kinda had my eyes on, but suffice to say, the Nikon D70 wins hands down. Now, to save up money to get me one.

Posted by SoulJah at 4:57:00 AM

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