This post is titled I know it's not a happy New Year, so what am I supposed to say? by author SoulJah. Yeah, it was a bummer of an end of year. I totally respect the decision to halt all celebrations and I can live with that. So I ended up taking up on my ex boss' offer to come over to his house and celebrate with the rest of my ex co workers. Had food, barbecueing some stuff, and ended up playing poker til 12, which I've won a mere $3, but with stakes as low as 5 cents, how can you win big eh?

Started to go home at around 2, driving around JP to see if anything's up there, and then was looking around for traffic cops along the road from Empire hotel. But yeah, nothing. Didn't even stop by at Empire for a friend's invitation to sleep over there.

Yeap. Here's To A New Year 2005.

Posted by SoulJah at 12:27:00 AM

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