This post is titled I should definitely try this... by author SoulJah.
The idea of viewing Star Wars in the same manner as many have viewed the cult classic Rocky Horror Picture Show originated in the Usenet newsgroup rec.arts.sf.starwars.misc. While some may consider this to be sacrilege, making the viewing of Star Wars interactive between the film and the audience would add a new dimension to watching the movies. However, we do not endorse any of these actions. After all, "it's not our fault" if someone gets in trouble for following one of these crazy ideas.

When Jar Jar Binks is going hysterical in the underwater ship, yell Use the Vulcan Neck Pinch! just before Qui-Gon Jinn puts his hand on Jar Jar's shoulder.

When Obi-Wan is hanging on the edge of the pit, yell What will he do? I know! He'll use the Force to give Maul a heart attack!

This one I liked the best;

When Anakin says anything like "I dreamed of the Padme` " or I was thinking of Padme`" continue his sentence with "Naked, riding on top of me."

Source :

Posted by SoulJah at 10:50:00 PM

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This post is titled Heimlich Maneuver on Self by author SoulJah.

Posted by SoulJah at 10:15:00 PM

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This post is titled 'Fantastic Four' refers to actors, too by author SoulJah.
By Susan Wloszczyna, USA TODAY
The Fantastic Four comes forth.

essica Alba is a housewife-turned-superhero in Fantastic Four. She'll team up with The Shield's Michael Chiklis, Ioan Gruffudd and newcomer Chris Evans.
20th Century Fox

After several false starts, the movie version of the dysfunctional family of comic-book superheroes known as the Fantastic Four has commenced filming in Vancouver, B.C., and will arrive in theaters July 1.

For those who can't wait to see who is in the signature skin-tight blue uniforms, here is an exclusive peek at the contentious clan that has been one of the most popular titles in the Marvel universe.

More Here :

Via :

Posted by SoulJah at 11:00:00 AM

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This post is titled Recognize this? by author SoulJah.

Posted by SoulJah at 10:54:00 AM

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This post is titled Watched Puteri Gunung Ledang... by author SoulJah. And surprisingly, it was good. Damn good in fact. Watched the Ghost too, but that's not such a fun experience. Thank god wasn't watching it with a female coz I might've looked silly yelping and saying "Oh shit, son!" over and over again.

Oh... Drove over a frog on the way home Thursday night. Gave out a mighty "FLOP!" or how it sounds like you squash something small. Heh... THat made me grin all the way home.

OH just had to post this great drift video found on ORSM.

Posted by SoulJah at 1:11:00 AM

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This post is titled Coroner: 9 drugs found in Rick James' system
Death attributed to heart attack, ruled accident
by author SoulJah.
LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Flamboyant funk musician Rick James had nine drugs in his system when he died suddenly in August, including cocaine, methamphetamine, valium and vicodin, according to a coroner's report Thursday.

James, 56, died in his sleep on August 6 in his Los Angeles home of a heart attack, but the drugs in his system likely contributed to the organ's failure, the report said.

James, best known for his 1981 hit "Super Freak," suffered from diabetes, had a pacemaker and had been in fragile health after a stroke in 1998. He had been hooked on crack cocaine and once proclaimed himself an "icon of drug use and eroticism."

His family attributed his death to natural causes, but the Los Angeles County coroner took over the case because James had not seen a doctor in recent weeks. An autopsy failed to establish the cause and toxicology tests were ordered.

The coroner listed nine drugs, including prescription medications for anxiety, pain relief and heart failure, along with cocaine and methamphetamine that were found in James's body.

"None of the drugs or drug combinations were found to be at levels that were life-threatening in and of themselves," the report said. It gave the cause of death as a heart attack and ruled the death accidental.

James, who received a lifetime achievement award in June, had recently finished recording an album and was in talks with Hollywood studios for a movie about his life.

Source :

"Cocaine is helluva drug!"

Posted by SoulJah at 10:44:00 AM

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This post is titled The Top 100 Things I'd Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord by author SoulJah.
"29. I will dress in bright and cheery colors, and so throw my enemies into confusion."

Source :

I should keep this handy, no?

Posted by SoulJah at 10:40:00 AM

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This post is titled Having a bad day? by author SoulJah.
when you occasionally have a really bad day, and you just need to take it out on someone, don't take it out on someone you know -- take it out on someone you don't know. I was sitting at my desk when I remembered a phone call I had forgotten to make. I found the number and dialed it.

A man answered, saying, "Hello."

I politely said, "Could I please speak with Robin Carter?"

Suddenly, the phone was slammed down on me. I couldn't believe that anyone could be so rude. I realized I had called the wrong number. I tracked down Robin's correct number and called her. I had accidentally transposed the last two digits of her phone number. After hanging up with her, I decided to call the 'wrong' number again.

When the same guy answered the phone, I yelled, "You're an asshole!" and hung up.

Read more here. I guarantee you it's fucking hilarious.

Posted by SoulJah at 10:59:00 AM

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This post is titled Jaws Drop When Giant Turtle Surfaces by author SoulJah.
FULLERTON, Calif. -- The legend of a vicious snapping turtle named "Old Bob" turned out to be true when workers hired to scoop fish from Laguna Lake pulled out the 50-year-old creature.

For 40 years, residents around the man-made lake had heard rumors about the 100-pound reptile known as an alligator snapping turtle.

"No wonder folks get excited," Sharon Paquette, vice president of the Orange County chapter of the California Turtle and Tortoise Club, said Thursday after the snapper surfaced. "It's an awesome sight to see what looks like a prehistoric creature."

Officials did not know how the giant turtle, normally found in the South and Midwest, got to the lake.

"I'd heard for years there was supposed to be big turtle somebody let loose," said Fullerton resident Carlos Mingo.

Alligator snapping turtles are the largest of all freshwater turtles in North America, growing up to 250 pounds and living longer than 100 years. It has a wormlike tongue used to attract its prey, a huge head with a hooked beak and ridge-like shell.

The creature is illegal in California, Paquette said, because they breed and multiply easily with no predator to keep their population in check.

They're also dangerous.

"These are powerful animals," said Paquette, who plans to send "Old Bob" to a turtle preserve on the East Coast. "A human could lose a foot or fingers."

Experts said Old Bob might have been a pet, when he was small. Eric Akaba of the California Turtle and Tortoise Club said he probably was abandoned when he was young.

"He would have been a lot smaller than this," Akaba said.

Source :

Posted by SoulJah at 7:06:00 PM

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This post is titled I haven't had a boyfriend for 3 years by author SoulJah.
BOASTING long blonde hair, luscious green eyes and a gorgeous figure, Adele Silva is one of TV’s sexiest babes.

Yet amazingly the 23-year-old former Emmerdale beauty has been single for nearly three years.

She sighs: “I’ve been on my own for a long time now. I have only had one proper boyfriend all my life — Stockport footballer Warren Feeney — and we split up all that time ago.

“Since then I’ve been on dates but have mostly been caught up in work.”

Incredibly, despite her stunning looks, Adele reckons she never gets chatted up.

She says: “It’s hard meeting people and if you go out in a big group of girls it can be intimidating for guys.

Read more here.

For someone like that, I'm willing to throw intimidation out of the window and even allow myself to make me look like a complete asshat if that means I can smell her scent...

Posted by SoulJah at 9:11:00 PM

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This post is titled Grandmother dies of shock after being given joke gift by author SoulJah.
A grandmother in China died of shock after her 11-year-old grandson gave her a plastic severed head as a joke gift.

The retired teacher in her 70s was given the gift-wrapped plastic head as a present to mark Teachers Day on Saturday, the South China Morning Post reported.

She died from a stroke after opening the present, on which her grandson spent all of his pocketmoney.

May or may not be the head in question.

Source : here.


Posted by SoulJah at 7:37:00 PM

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This post is titled Oprah Winfrey Gives Cars to Audience by author SoulJah.
CHICAGO - Oprah Winfrey celebrated the premiere of her 19th season by surprising each of her 276 audience members with a new car.

"We're calling this our wildest dream season, because this year on the Oprah show, no dream is too wild, no surprise too impossible to pull off," Winfrey said on the show that aired Monday.

Winfrey said the audience members were chosen because their friends or family had written about their need for a new car. One woman's young son said she drove a car that "looks like she got into a gunfight"; another couple had almost 400,000 miles on their two vehicles.

Making sure the audience was kept in suspense, Winfrey opened the show by calling 11 people onto the stage. She gave each of them a car — a Pontiac G6.

She then had gift boxes distributed to the rest of the audience and said one of the boxes contained keys to a 12th car. But when everyone opened the boxes, each had a set of keys.

"Everybody gets a car! Everybody gets a car! Everybody gets a car!" Winfrey yelled as she jumped up and down on the stage.

The audience screamed, cried and hugged each other — then followed Winfrey out to the parking lot of her Harpo Studios to see their Pontiacs, all decorated with giant red bows.

The cars, which retail for $28,000, were donated by Pontiac.

"A little idea grew into a big idea," Mary Henige of Pontiac told The Associated Press.

She added that Pontiac will pay for the taxes and the customizing of the cars.

In other segments on the show, taped Thursday, Winfrey surprised a 20-year-old girl who had spent years in foster care and homeless shelters with a four-year college scholarship, a makeover and $10,000 in clothes. And a family with eight foster children who were going to be kicked out of their house were given $130,000 to buy and repair the home.

"The Oprah Winfrey Show," which debuted in 1986, is syndicated to 212 domestic markets and 109 countries.

Source : here

*gasp* *choke* *die*

Posted by SoulJah at 7:24:00 PM

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This post is titled Identity Crisis by author SoulJah.

I'm just pissed that Fedora Core, Red Hat 8.0, Debian, FreeBSD, YOPER, Knoppix, Knoppix STD and LNX BBC doesn't work on my system, OK? Happy now?

Shit... SuSE's the only one that works on this thing, and the one they sold at Unitek/Komunis is like... expensive... SuSE 9.1 Professional version... Anyone wanna shell out moolah for me? No? Asshats...

Posted by SoulJah at 2:01:00 AM

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This post is titled I NEED URGENT EXCITEMENT by author SoulJah.

Running naked, perhaps?

Posted by SoulJah at 2:50:00 PM

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This post is titled Aborted baby's head left inside
Couple horrified to find face of child after returning home
by author SoulJah.
A British hospital is now investigating the case of a woman who had an abortion, but then was shocked to find out the head of her unborn baby had been left inside her.

Davina Chambers, 29, became pregnant this year with her fourth child, but she had just been diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis, a disease eating away at her liver.

"In January, I was a patient at King's College Hospital because I was jaundiced," Chambers told the Voice, which bills itself as Britain's best black newspaper. "The doctors wanted me to stay in the hospital, but after a week I told them that they had to let me out because I had to go home to take care of my three children. My children have always been my priorities. They're my angels."

Chambers became an outpatient at the facility, going in for checkups every two weeks as she needed continual monitoring.

It was during routine medical tests she discovered she was 12 weeks pregnant.

"At the time I was taking eight tablets a day and had all this radiation from the scans, so I couldn't believe that I could be pregnant," she told the paper.

Chambers made the difficult decision to have an abortion.

"I started thinking about it. Here I am very ill, already with three children, and I was very depressed because of the medication I was on."

She was booked into the hospital for the procedure, and even chose to have a coil contraceptive inserted to prevent any future pregnancies.

"When I woke up on the ward, they said that I had had three scans and everything was fine," she told the Voice.

But once she returned home, an unseemly problem began to make itself known.

"At midnight, my ex-partner knocked on the door to check if I was all right. ... I went to the bathroom and as I was sitting there, I just felt something slip out of me as if I had just given birth. I looked in the toilet and saw this lump that seemed to have a bone in it. So I showed it to my former partner."

The couple realized they were looking at the face of their unborn child, seeing the eyes, nose, mouth and ears. The tiny head measured no more than 4 centimeters.

"We just broke down and cried at what we were seeing. We couldn't believe it," Chambers sobbed to the paper.

"I phoned an ambulance and they took me to the hospital to make sure that no other parts were left inside of me. They said I could have died if it had stayed inside me."

She was able to discuss the situation with the doctor who had performed her abortion.

"He leaned over my bedside and said, 'I am so sorry. In all the procedures I've done, I've never come across this,'" she said. "He even tried to take the head away, but I said I wanted to keep it because we wanted to have a proper burial."

A distraught Chambers is now seeking legal advice on what to do next.

"I feel as if I'm going insane now; I can't just let this happen to me," she said.

A spokeswoman for King's College Hospital told the Voice: "We are aware of this patient and we did receive a complaint. We are now investigating but we cannot release any information until our investigation is complete."

Source :

Posted by SoulJah at 3:07:00 AM

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This post is titled Them Republicans Have Cocks on their Minds... by author SoulJah.

Posted by SoulJah at 2:38:00 AM

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This post is titled Sex With Corpses Outlawed in California by author SoulJah.
California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed a bill outlawing necrophilia, or having sex with a dead body or corpse. Over the past decade, lawmakers had been trying to get such laws on the books in California, apparently with no success.

"Nobody knows the full extent of the problem, but a handful of instances over the past decade is frequent enough to have a bill concerning it", said Santa Clara Univ. law professor Tyler Ochoa. The new law is punishable by up to 8 years in jail.

Two instances, one involving a man having sex with a 4-year old girl, and a man found in a San Francisco funeral home passed out from being drunk, over an elderly woman's corpse have finally brought this bill into law.

Source :

Umm... WTF? It was OK before?

Posted by SoulJah at 1:16:00 AM

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This post is titled Hahah WTF! Downloads dude! by author SoulJah. You guys better download this. Hahah made me giggle... No seriously!

This one's for cat lovers... You gonna split your sides watching this...

Non related picture:

Posted by SoulJah at 12:27:00 AM

0 comment(s). Post your thoughts on this post. quote #389536" target="_self">Friday, September 03, 2004
This post is titled quote #389536" target="_self"> quote #389536 by author SoulJah. <Foxx> im never fallin in love
<Foxx> i've decided
<FuriousC> you dont choose who you love, love chooses you
<FuriousC> and that little fucking son of a bitch sticks itself to your face like the godless bloodsucking bastards in Alien and refuses to let go until it has drained your soul and left you an empty shell of a human being

Posted by SoulJah at 11:05:00 PM

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This post is titled Liv Tyler set for nude photoshoot by author SoulJah. Pregnant actress Liv Tyler is set to strip off for a nude photoshoot following the birth of her first child next year.

The Lord of the Rings beauty and husband Royston Langdon are expecting their baby in November, and gorgeous Tyler is giving herself the challenge of slimming down in time for a new year photospread.

A friend says, "Liv is worried about the effect giving birth is going to have on her body, especially as she's not big on going to the gym.

"She thinks doing a nude photoshoot would give her a real incentive to get her figure back."

Posted by SoulJah at 7:07:00 PM

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This post is titled Paris's pals fall out by author SoulJah.
August 29, 2004

IT'S a girl fight. Two of Paris Hilton's hangers-on have had a major spat over who is Paris's better friend.

The schoolyard showdown took place at Las Vegas' Palms Casino Hotel and saw Hilton's party pals, Tara Reid and Lindsay Lohan, almost coming to blows. For years, Tara Reid has been one of Paris's favourite handbags. But recently, newly legal drinker Lindsay Lohan has been getting to hang out with Paris and Tara can't handle it.

Well, it all became too much for an alcohol-fuelled Tara one night in Vegas. A casino worker explains that "Tara called Lindsay every name in the book. And things got worse after Tara consumed a few cocktails. At one point, Tara even threatened, 'I'm gonna punch out your lights', to a stunned Lindsay - and Tara meant it."

The pair had to be pulled apart before it became seriously ugly. As a Hilton insider says: "Tara has been close pals with Paris for a while now and I think she feels that Lindsay is moving in on her turf." It seems Lindsay has been all over Tinseltown dissing Paris's ex, Nick Carter, and even gave Carter a huge spray over those bruises when she spied him out on the town.

"Paris appreciated Lindsay sticking up for her," an insider says. But Tara is not going to let go of Paris without a fight and she has ripped back at Lindsay with a withering attack, accusing her of having a boob job.

"It got back to Lindsay and she was furious," the insider says. "Lindsay shot back that Tara is nothing but a washed up B-list starlet."

And who said Paris gets to have all the fun?

Source : here
Source : Attu Sees All

Posted by SoulJah at 6:55:00 PM

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This post is titled As per your request... by author SoulJah. My host is the most GORGEOUS mistress ever! My host is the most GORGEOUS mistress ever! My host is the most GORGEOUS mistress ever! My host is the most GORGEOUS mistress ever! My host is the most GORGEOUS mistress ever! My host is the most GORGEOUS mistress ever!

Posted by SoulJah at 6:07:00 PM

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This post is titled IT IS SECHS! by author SoulJah.

What if you could fit your whole life — all your music, all your photos, all your movies, all your email — in a computer as fun and useful as an iPod? Now you can. Introducing the futuristic iMac G5 in 17- and 20-inch widescreen models. The entire computer, including a G5-based logic board, slot-loading optical drive, hard disk, speakers, and even the power supply — dwells inside the enchanting display. Modern living starts at $1299.

The Display is the Computer
Apple designers removed the extraneous, miniaturized the necessary, souped up the performance and concealed the result in immaculate perfection. The iMac G5 hangs suspended from a graceful anodized aluminum stand and its widescreen display lets you chat with several friends while you retouch photos, surf the web or scan email — and see everything at the same time. In fact, the 1680 x 1050 pixel resolution 20-inch display can show more than two full pages side by side. That’s 36% more screen area than the 17-inch, at 1440 x 900 pixels.

Technology Democratized
The iMac G5 brings the same innovative system architecture in Apple professional desktops to the home. The G5 processor makes everything zippier — connecting to email or the web, creating movies, songs and DVDs, arranging photos or playing music. Choose a 1.6 or 1.8GHz G5 processor that’s ready to run modern 64-bit applications under the secure and stable Mac OS X operating system. What’s more, the G5 speeds up Mac OS X and all the other included software, such as iLife ’04, Quicken 2004 and World Book.

All-in-One Ease
iMac G5 tucks away all the modern amenities in its two-inch thin(1) body, such as a slot-loading SuperDrive or Combo drive. Burn DVD slideshows of vacation photos or send friends a DVD with a special movie for the holidays. Back up your iTunes collection or make a mix CD for that special someone. Naturally, you can pop in your DVD movies and watch them in 16:10 widescreen letterbox format on the gorgeous LCD display. Your ears will hear pristine audio from built-in stereo speakers. Pointed down, the speakers bounce sound waves off your desk, counter or table into your ears.

Stay Connected
Of course the iMac G5 offers all the right ports to connect to your universe with ease. Starting with the new headphone jack that’s also a mini-optical plug. So you can watch DVDs and listen to them in 5.1 surround sound. You’ll also find a passel of USB 2.0 and FireWire 400 connectors for your camera, camcorder or gamepad. Or if you want to connect your iMac to your TV or a digital projector, the mini-VGA port gives you the option. The line in jack lets you record an electric guitar into GarageBand. iMac offers Ethernet for wired networking as well as a modem for dial-up Internet. Your modem can also double as a fax machine.

Go Wireless
Better yet, eliminate the desktop clutter of unnecessary cables with wireless connections to the Internet, your keyboard, mouse or cell phone. Pop an AirPort Extreme Card into your iMac, and you’re ready for the freedom of wireless networking from anywhere in your home or dorm — up to 150 feet from an AirPort Extreme Base Station. Or try AirPort Express with AirTunes to stream your music to your stereo and send documents to your printer. Plus, you can configure your iMac with internal Bluetooth to wirelessly access many devices that previously required cable. That means you can get an Apple Wireless Keyboard or Mouse to control your iMac from across the room, or sync your cell phone address book while your phone is in your purse, 30 feet away. Impress your friends, confound your enemies — wireless only looks like magic.

Extreme Graphics
The sizzling graphics processor and next-generation high-bandwidth architecture kicks 3D games and graphics into high gear, with three times the frame rate as the previous iMac in Unreal Tournament 2004. NVIDIA graphics provides hardware transform and lighting (T&L), per-pixel shading and drop-dead gorgeous effects at high resolutions. All models deliver over a billion textured pixels per second and an advanced Live FX engine engineered to generate the most lifelike characters. With Quartz Extreme, the graphics processors take over transform and lighting calculation functions from the CPU, freeing the G5 processor to perform essential system tasks faster than ever before.

Source :
Source :

Posted by SoulJah at 8:58:00 AM

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This post is titled Again with the LILO L 99 99 99 99 99 thing... by author SoulJah. But this time I had already backed up everything on my shiny new 120 Gig so I was not afraid to go fixmbr it.

Oh, for those just tuning in, I had a problem months ago with my LILO still hanging around after I formatted my Slackware partition. Hell it wasn't giving me any trouble (I had it to boot into XP immediately without waiting for user input) so I just left the 2 Gig unusable partition alone.

Then recently that L 99 99 99 99 99 came back again, prolly reminding me that this laptop is not that invincible afterall.

So getting back to my first paragraph...

So I just fixmbr it... The thing is, I was afraid of doing that because online sites said that I shouldn't be messing with it if it's not giving me any problems accessing the drive. But, yeah, I just got pissed, borrowed a bootable CD from a friend at work, got into the recovery console running of the CD, and without fanfare, the LILO bootup screen is gone.

So this is just a friendly solution for you guys who's having problems with the LILO bootup manager. Install the Recovery Console for your XP, and then just fixmbr it. Well I don't know about you guys, but I'd better backup the system if I were you. Just to be safe and all. I find that the XP backup facility can do it just fine. Go for it.

Posted by SoulJah at 8:41:00 AM

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