This post is titled Oh yeah ! I plum forgot ... by author Anonymous. I forgot to mention that before I went in to watch Spidey 2, a long line of Oriental looking Chicks/Girls in tudongs/headscarves came out of the Cineplex. Now it's just that this is very irregular since no female under the age of 40 wears a tudong/headscarves at the Mall, and the girls were pre-teen to 17 years old, according to my well tuned girl watching eyes. And they were at least 2 dozen of them, so one of my theories is that they are adopted children of some wealthy couple, if ya knoe what I mean.

Here's the thing, can anyone get the contact numbers for any of them ? Because, you know what, they were hot, well some of them were. And I just wanted the contact numbers for the hot ones. They were probably Koreans, Chinese and/or Japanese.

And yeah, thanx Souljah, for sending links for Emma Watson's panty shot. You just jolted this bit of info into my head. At 2 in the morning, too. :P btw I'm kinda sleepy so I'm probably just rambling on for no apparent freekin' reason. I was gonna put funlinks for this but screw that I'ma gonna go to bed.

Posted by Anonymous at 3:21:00 AM

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