This post is titled Man Exposes Self During Airport Screening. by author Anonymous. MINNEAPOLIS - Daryl Miller didn't make it through airport security because he couldn't keep his pants on.

Airport police said a security screener was waving a metal-detecting wand over Miller's pants area on Friday when Miller pulled his shorts down to his ankles. He wasn't wearing any underwear.

Miller then said, "There, how do you like your job", thus ending the screening, according to the police report. He was charged with indecent exposure and released on $300 bail.

"We've never had anybody do that before," said airport police Lt. Matt Christenson. "But it's not abnormal for people to become frustrated with the screening process."

"This person exposed themself in a public area, a clear violation of the law, and we needed to take some action on that, otherwise everybody would be dropping their pants," Christenson said.

Source here

"There, how do you like your job". Bwahahaha that's just funny. I bet the guy didn't even need to fly anywhere, he just wanted to say the line. Someone probabaly dared him to do it, too. Hahahah

Posted by Anonymous at 5:11:00 AM

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