This post is titled Man Accused of Stealing Boy's Socks. by author Anonymous. COLUMBUS, Ohio - A man accused of grabbing a 9-year-old boy, carrying him behind a Kroger store and stealing his socks has been arrested on kidnapping and robbery charges.

Maurice C. Teague told officers he has more than 500 pairs of children's socks.

Investigating officers said they couldn't confirm the number but said they found "a lot" of socks at Teague's home, police spokeswoman Sherry Mercurio said on Tuesday.

Police said Teague, 28, accosted the boy Friday evening and dropped a piece of identification as he fled. They arrested him at his home on Sunday, Mercurio said. He's jailed on $75,000 bond.

"It's odd, obviously — someone going after little boys' socks," Detective Guy Patete said.

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It's odd ? Hmmm, I think it's rather bloody disturbing than just merely odd.

Posted by Anonymous at 1:14:00 AM

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