This post is titled so I was shot down in public right... Bam Bam Bam !!! Ka Boom !!! by author Anonymous. Our sad story started on a cold, dreary, wet night at the Mall. It was raining outside so I didn't want to leave the Mall ( a decision I regret now, I should 've just fought the damn monsoon ), checked my phone it was a quarter past 9. I decide to ride the escalators up and down the floors to waste some time, and yes I am a child at heart, a big chubby child at heart.

On my third ride up and down, I noticed this fine looking girl. She was shortish, petitte, kinda Orientalish looking leaning towards Eurasianish ( yes, that is my type ), she had the sweetest smile from about 15 feet away. So I stopped at the first floor of the Mall walked to the balcony bit, where you can look down into the middle of the Mall, and started doing the looking at her and looking away thing. My plan was to walk over and pretend like I know her or have seen her somewhere.

I did the looking at her, looking away thing for about 10 minutes, prepared my line and walked towards her. And it when down like this ( mind you, I left in the Malay bits for those who can understand it. :D ) :

Me: "Hmmm... I think I know you... Macam kenal..."
Her: "Iyakan ? Have we really met ?"
Me: "Yeah... where was it ? Di mana ah... ?"

And then I just kept talking with her for about another 5 minutes. It was a nice medium length conversation, nothing too stupid on my part ( I think :P ). But then all her friends started too swarm around us. And I was panicking and getting freaked.

Me: "Any kawan-kawan you ni ? Are these all your friends ?"
Her: "Awu... Yes... this is bla bla bla ( wasn't really listening )"
Me: "Hello... Hi ! ( /me waves enthusiastically )"

Then next came the part where her friends pulled her away and started whispering with her. I heard someone mentioning "stalker", "chubby" and "do you really know him ?". She had a wierd look and walked towards me.

Her: "Do I really know you ?"
Me: "Yeah remember from tha place with that thing... ( /me starts to get flustered )"
Her: "Di mana... ? Where... ?"
Me: "Remember... ( /me starts to sweat profusely ) At the pluhh... "

I didn't get to say "place" when she snapped back.

Her: "Malas ku kan me-LAYAN... !!! Uh uh I don't CARE... !!! Talk to the hand biatch !"

Then she walked away with her friends.

Dammit ! I got shot down right in public. I blame it on her friends. Why do girls have to move in packs like goddamn wolves ?!? Why ?!? Her friends ruined it for us. I was sooooooo close. ( Ok maybe I was a wierdo stalker, but that was a long time ago :P )

And yes I'm taking lessons from Souljah. He promises "Join and you'll be a PLAYA in two weeks or your money back" ( Actual slogan on ad :P ).

Haha so maybe I'll report back after my lessons. Man ! Here's hoping I won't get shot down again. Ok maybe not in public. Ok maybe not at the Mall. Ok maybe not at 9:15. Oh man! It's so damn obvious I'm gonna get shot down again :P.

Posted by Anonymous at 1:03:00 AM

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