This post is titled ComCast Fires Entire TechTV Staff by author SoulJah.
According to Leo Laporte, former host of The Screensavers on TechTV (formerly ZDTV), all employees of TechTV have been given 60 days notice. The tech channel was purchased recently by ComCast, and rumors had been all-but-confirmed for quite a while that the operations would be saturated into the G4 network. TechTV's offices were in San Francisco, G4 is in LA.

Employees of TechTV have been told that 100 jobs in LA will be available for them to apply for if they wish to relocate. Thus, essentially they are out of jobs... considering the things I've heard on how they've been treated up till this point, even moving down the block would be further than some would go.

While I didn't watch it often, TechTV did entertain and educate quite a few non-technical people (and some techs as well), and they should be applauded. Our best of luck to the folks at TechTV.


I've just learned that G4 has fired the entire staff of TechTV.

Per the WARN Act (governing plant closings) all the employees of TechTV have been given 60 days notice. The San Francisco operation will be shuttered by July. 100 of the existing jobs will be posted for those willing to relocate to LA.

Outgoing COO, Joe Gillespie will say good-bye to the troops tomorrow. Incoming CEO Charles Hirschorn will say hello (and good-bye) on Monday.

No word on which shows G4 will keep or which hosts will be kept on.


Although I don't believe in petitions and it's power to sway the decisions of mega million dollar companies, but it's worth a fucking try. Damn. Another sour taste in my mouth by these bullshit corporate fucktards. Die.

Posted by SoulJah at 5:23:00 PM

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