This post is titled Caped Crusaders fight real crime by author SoulJah. By Metro
19 April 2004

Batman and Robin are back fighting crime - in Whitley. Two mystery men dressed as the Caped Crusader and his sidekick have scared away robbers in the town near Reading.

They also saved a stranded motorist and even shooed off two streakers from a football pitch.

'They just appeared - I saw them running down the road in Batman and Robin outfits,' said driver Michelle Kirby, who was pushed to a petrol station after her Peugeot 206 ran out of fuel.

'I was laughing so much. They stayed in character the whole time.' Ray Cox, 61, spotted the real-life superheroes sprinting through the town while shopping with his wife. 'Batman was quite a broad chap,' he said. 'They would scare a few muggers off.'

Source here.

Posted by SoulJah at 4:17:00 PM

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This post is titled Weird day, again... by author SoulJah. Well, on Saturday, went out to hang at the mall at 2.00 pm, but after all is said and done, I ended up at some stranger's house I totally don't even know of, kind of a surprise birthday thing, and hanged out there, at 3.00 am in the morning... Then went home at around 4 am, and slept for 11 hours while my parents were picking up me granny from Sabah... I miss my gran, she's so cool...

Been missing someone real bad for the past few days, coz she has got no credits and stuff... Gah... But no worries... Me birthday is coming up, and funness is gonna be had then...

Posted by SoulJah at 3:00:00 PM

This post is titled Anthony Hamilton - Comin' From Where I'm From Lyrics by author SoulJah. Sitting here, guess I didn' make bail
Got time and a story to tell
Started when I was nine years old
Woke up and daddy was gone
I started hustling and the couldn't tell me nothing
Fronting in the hood, trying to be somebody
My soul was on empty
I was searching for something
Tried to be good
Tried to keep from trouble
Living too fast
Trying to make a good hustle

Sometimes it gets rough
Comin' from where I'm from, I'm from
Times got hard
Comin' from where I'm from, I'm from
Sometimes you gotta walk to work
Comin' from where I'm from, I'm from
Sometimes you gotta do a little dirt
Comin' from where I'm from, I'm from

Wasn' really looking guess I found it
Five foot three light brown skinned
Coming from the university
Lifestyle looking kind of lovely
Didn't know she had much game
Down to ride out, even take the train
Even take her to a poker game
Top notch fried chicken and sushi
Tried to be good
Tried to treat you like a lady
Tried to be your friend
Turned out that you were shady

Sometimes it gets lonely
Comin' from where I'm from, I'm from
Some times ain't what they seem to be
Comin' from where I'm from, I'm from
Some times would get the best of me
Comin' from where I'm from, I'm from

Well, tried to be good (I tried, I tried)
Wanted nothing but to love somebody
Didn't want to die young
Steady hustling trying to feed my family
Too scared to have kids and like daddy did
'Cause I'm so scared of failing
Sometimes it gets hard
Comin' from where I'm from, I'm from

Comin' from where I'm from, I'm from
Sometimes you gotta moan
Comin' from where I'm from, I'm from
Sometimes you gotta cry a little louder
Comin' from where I'm from, I'm from
Sometimes you gotta fight the pain
Comin' from where I'm from, I'm from
Sometimes you get a little worried
Comin' from where I'm from, I'm from
Sometimes you get lost out of touch
Comin' from where I'm from, I'm from
Sometimes I htink I pray a little to much
Comin' from where I'm from, I'm from
Sometimes I get a little scared
Comin' from where I'm from, I'm from

You should listen to this song... Perfect for afternoons where your mood is in a limbo...

Posted by SoulJah at 12:42:00 AM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah.

EDITED : Sorry another post without words... Me myself can imagine that the picture tells what I'm feeling right now... I wanna punch a mirror, letting the shards sticking into my hands, lighting up a smoke, and think clearly for once in my life... Seeing the blood flow, feeling it drain away from me, it'd make me aware of my own body, my own soul, my own heart but more importantly, my own brain...

I may have brought this upon myself, may have *UNINTENTIONALLY* brought it upon myself, but I won't deny the fact that I brought this upon myself... Questions that's been racing through my brain always be proceeded by the question "Why...?" "Why...?" "Why...?"

"Does it have to do with anything? Or just nothing?" "Am I being paranoid? Or guarded?" "Am I getting in touch with the little kid in me? The one that gets scared? The one that cowers? The one that lets it all bottled up?"

As I'm writing this, I can almost not feel my heart beating... Just feels like it ya know... I'm not taking my life or anything... If I was, it'd be the most spectacular event that everyone would be traumatized for their whole life, and if they're carrying a baby while witnessing that, their baby would be a nutjob too... Yes, only a few people know how, (if, rather) I'll go out...

How simple things can destroy the mightiest of structures... Hell, if it doesn't really destroy it, it can sure as hell make it shake and sway... And if it's started to shake and sway, by nature it won't come to a halt... Like a pendulum, slowly rocking to the extremes, then a moment of rest, then swaying to the extremes again... But this ain't a pendulum... The structure will crumble, if pushed to the side one time too many...

Oh how I wonder how a girl would take this situation I'm facing right now... Crying, bawling, sobbing like mad... But as a guy, I really don't have that luxury... I'll stick to thinking of punching my hand through my bathroom mirror...

I still remember the night that my Grandfather died, I can still remember how I kissed his cold deceased forehead that very morning... That night, I asked the same questions I'm asking right now, well more or less the same... That night I let my thoughts run like mad, running and running, and running some more... Running until I felt tired, felt tired of the thinking, of all the crazy thoughts... But yeah, I was scared... Really scared... Hell I can even remember my heart not beating that same moment... I cowered under my sheets... Afraid of peeking out, peeking out to the day after, because it was so uncertain, so random, full of variables...

I'm damn scared...

Posted by SoulJah at 2:09:00 AM

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This post is titled ORSM.NET Joke so funny I had to post it here... by author SoulJah. Joe was moderately successful in his career, but as he got older he was increasingly hampered by incredible headaches. When his personal hygiene and love life started to suffer, he sought medical help. After being referred from one specialist to another, he finally came across a doctor who solved the problem.

"The good news is I can cure your headaches. The bad news is that it will require castration. You have a very rare condition which causes your testicles to press up against the base of your spine. The pressure creates one hell of a headache. The only way to relieve the pressure is to remove the testicles."

Joe was shocked and depressed. He wondered if he has anything to live for. He couldn't concentrate long enough to answer, but decided he had no choice but to go under the knife.

When he left the hospital, his mind was clear, but he felt like he was missing an important part of himself. As he walked down the street, he realised that he felt like a different person. He could make a new beginning and live a new life.

He walked past a men's clothing store and thought, "That's what I need, a new suit." He entered the shop and told the salesman: "I'd like a new suit." The salesman eyed him briefly and said, "Let's see... size 44 long." Joe laughed, "That's right, how did you know?" "It's my job."

Joe tried on the suit. It fit perfectly. As Joe admired himself in the mirror, the salesman asked, "How about a new shirt?" Joe thought for a moment and said, "Sure... "

The salesman eyed Joe and said, "Let's see... 34 sleeve and... 18 1/2 neck." Joe was surprised, "That's right, how did you know?" "It's my job."

Joe tried on the shirt, and it fit perfectly. As Joe adjusted the collar in the mirror, the salesman asked, "How about new shoes?" Joe was on a roll and said, "Sure..." The salesman eyed Joe's feet and said, "Let's see... 9 1/2... wide." Joe was astonished, "That's right, how did you know?" "It's my job."

Joe was feeling great, when the salesman asked, "How about some new underwear?" Joe thought for a second, and said, "Sure..." The salesman stepped back, eyed Joe's waist and said, "Let's see... size 36." Joe laughed, "No, I've worn size 34 since I was 18 years old." The salesman shook his head, "You can't wear a size 34. It would press your testicles up against the base of your spine and give you one hell of a headache..."

Posted by SoulJah at 3:27:00 AM

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This post is titled Nizam, meet Mr. Boredom by author SoulJah. Well I wouldn't actually call it a boring week... Met some friends coming back from the UK and having a barbecue at my friend's. Yes, I manned the barbecue grill, because I think there were only a handful of people who actually knew how to barbecue. Lamb chops and chicken wings and drum sticks aplenty, we stuffed ourselves til the brink of shitting our pants with that Lee Kum Kee barbecue sauce. Good night, but then it got weird.

I'm the first to admit, I'm not one who hangs out at Gadong til 2am looking at cars passing by. BUt yeah, I just mucked about and see whats the hubbub all about. Apart from the weird episode of us ******** ** ****, I found out that it was horrendously boring. Hell I'd be up for some staring at pondans and such, but it was not meant to be. So screwed about in Gadong then we decided that hanging out without cigs is too damn gay. Apart from some tyre scraping incident, the proceeding drive home was pretty non eventful.

The next day, at around 3 went to Gadong again. God knows fucking why. Oh yeah... Getting a box of matches. I repeat. Getting a box of matches. But it was good seeing her. And her too. And some random chick. And some other random groups of chick. And her too. Mucked about in Gadong, with Ash, and talked about stuff that matters not. Then we decided to hang out at Komunis. Yes. Fucking Komunis.

While we were sitting at the software section, some bugger of a guy asked us if we worked there. I mean what the fuck? Do I look like a Filipino? I admit we were talking in English and shit talking about shit, but DO I LOOK LIKE A DAMNED FILIPINO??? Yeah, being the helpful person that I am, I pointed out there's no stable PS2 emulator for the PC. I mean, dude. You are rich enough to have a PC and that phone (which I guess was a good model Samsung), you are rich enough to plunk down 500 mullahs for a damn PS2!?!?! 'Tard.

Then mucked about again, giving the mall one last run through before we get tired and just go home. But that's after we get some grub at Mamih.

Oh yeah... Topics that we talked about? It ranges from:

1) Slapping my kids if he or she ever dresses like I can't pay for their clothing.

2) Business monopolies.

3) Bruneian football status.

4) Criminal activities.

5) How boring it was last night.

6) How we are really boring buggers.

7) Why the hell did that damn guy ask us.

8) Piracy (while we were in Komunis).

Posted by SoulJah at 9:03:00 PM

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This post is titled For a special someone... by author SoulJah.

You know who you are... And don't worry... If one person doesn't love you, there are loads others who do...

Posted by SoulJah at 5:43:00 PM

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This post is titled I need to stop smoking... by author SoulJah.

Posted by SoulJah at 6:13:00 PM

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This post is titled Stupid news articles of the day time ... by author Anonymous. What the hell !?! Women are crazier than Men ...

Stupid Story One Iwould've been totally freaked out if this happened to me ... Freaked ! I tell ya !!

Stupid Story Two Didn't expect that to happen in an Anger Management class ... Heheh :P

And finally :

The Men Commandments All Men should read this ...
Commandment no.11 "Unless you're in prison, never fight naked." Heheh :P

Posted by Anonymous at 10:26:00 PM

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This post is titled The Coolest Shit Ever! by author SoulJah. Speak to the subservient chicken - YOU WILL TRY THIS!!! I COMMAND YOU!!!

Found on Attu.

Posted by SoulJah at 10:01:00 PM

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This post is titled My broadband is bettah than yours... Bettah than yours... by author SoulJah.

Posted by SoulJah at 7:20:00 PM

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This post is titled DID I CALL IT OR DID I CALL IT!?!?!? by author SoulJah. I've always had the suspicion that my mind is either:

a) Broadcasting it's contents subconciously, and others can tap into this broadcast and make it their own, subconciously of course.


b) Part of a larger hive of mind that thinks of the same idea at the same time.

Two years ago, I made a prediction that cockroaches will be equipped with tiny wireless cameras and become some sort of spy... And then I found this...

Posthuman System #1: Cockroach with Wireless Video
(Regina, 2003) Garnet Hertz

This project involves a set of living Giant Madagascan Hissing cockroaches equipped with miniature wireless videocameras on custom-built backpacks. These specialized backpacks are worn by the cockroaches and transmit wireless video to televisions within the gallery space. The cockroaches are contained within a medium-sized terrarium placed on a plinth within the installation space, and are able to roam around the external environment during predetermined times.

This work is positioned within the context of technology in relationship to contemporary human culture. Posthumanism - which can be defined as a re-working of the limitations of the human form through radical uses of technological means - appears to be primarily concerned with issues of genetics and other efforts to extend and enhance human-oriented life. This work comments on posthumanism through the definition of non-human forms inheriting the title of "posthumans". Although transhumanist efforts will likely enhance human life, it is still most probable that non-human organisms - like the resilient cockroach, for example - will outlast human society.

The cockroach is the ideal posthuman creature: as Jaron Lanier stated in his "A Time Capsule that will survive One Thousand Years in Manhattan" (
"The familiar New York City cockroach predates the city's geography. It has survived ice ages, earthquakes, famines, and floods. It has watched the dinosaurs come and go. It has resisted determined efforts by mankind to remove it even from individual buildings. It would survive a nuclear attack. It will probably outlive all other contemporary fauna on Manhattan, including humans."

With the cockroach as the centerpiece and controller of the technology, the lines of distinction between pest, pet, friend and foe are blurred. Endowing cockroaches with advanced technology offers a humorous glimpse into the eyes of a hypothetical superhuman cockroach species: one that appropriates the technology of humans and combines it with the advanced survival techniques of the cockroach.

Shit! They stole my idea... But I called it right, didn't I? Muahahahahahahahahahahah...

Posted by SoulJah at 2:39:00 PM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah. Source:

On 16 March 2003 in Rafah, occupied Gaza, 23-year-old American peace activist Rachel Corrie from Olympia, Washington, was murdered by an Israeli bulldozer driver. Rachel was in Gaza opposing the bulldozing of a Palestinian home as a volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement.

Rachel and seven other ISM activists were in the Hi Es Salam area of Rafah, Gaza, trying to prevent the razing of Palestinian land and property. Present were two Israeli occupation army bulldozers and a tank. For a period of two hours, the activists played 'cat and mouse', attempting to prevent the illegal demolitions by physically blocking the passage of the two bulldozers.

An e-mailed report from the Palestine Monitor stated:

"Rachel Corey [sic], 23 years old from the state of Washington, was killed while she was trying to prevent Israeli army bulldozers from destroying a Palestinian home. Other foreigners who were with her said the driver of the bulldozer was aware that Rachel was there, and continued to destroy the house. Initially he dropped sand and other heavy debris on her, then the bulldozer pushed her to the ground where it proceeded to drive over her, fracturing both of her arms, legs and skull. She was transferred to hospital, where she later died. Another foreigner was also injured in the attack and has been hospitalized - at this stage his nationality is unknown." (15 March 2003)

Posted by SoulJah at 2:09:00 PM

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This post is titled I cant believe this is actually out there ... by author Anonymous. How to use a hand puppet to meet, attract, and date tons of single women...

Well, did you know you can meet single women like crazy by using a hand puppet? I know you're thinking, "what in the hell is he talking about? A puppet?"

It's wierd ... I know ... But I'm still trying it :P Heheh

Posted by Anonymous at 10:01:00 AM

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This post is titled Sad... by author SoulJah. Chernobyl now... You will want to have a look through... It gave me chills all the way through...

Posted by SoulJah at 1:19:00 AM

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This post is titled Puspa... of DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! by author SoulJah.

Can you imagine... The contents of this thing... Flying at you... Full frontal?!? I had the bad luck of that happening to me yesterday... Shit! Ahahahah... Man... I felt so violated...

Posted by SoulJah at 11:18:00 AM

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This post is titled Woman grows extra breasts by author SoulJah. A woman in cental China who paid for breast enlargement surgery ended up with an unwanted bonus - two extra breasts.

The 24-year-old woman found the extra breasts growing on her stomach one year after she underwent surgery at a clinic in Hunan province.

The extra breasts grew and grew until the woman was forced to undergo a second operation to get rid of them, according to the Hong Kong edition of the China Daily yesterday.

The initial operation was carried out at a small beauty salon which was unauthorised to carry out breast enlargement surgery, the newspaper said.

Cosmetic surgery has boomed in popularity in China in recent years but there is little official regulation of the industry.


Posted by SoulJah at 8:52:00 PM

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