This post is titled The world is coming to an End... by author SoulJah. It's times like these that you wish that you weren't living in such a a society that lives off, and promotes, rampant commercialization, business monopolies, shrewd business practices and most importanly, snivelling rat lawyers that try to govern the world at the expense of the dissemination of ideas, technological advancements, free speech and, the most important basic human need, free will...

Why I bring this up? I wanted to burn a Knoppix Distro, which I promptly surfed to, but I was greeted with this:

Closed because of "Software-Patents"

In the next few days, the European Parliament will decide about the legalisation and adoption of so-called "software patents" in Europe, which are already used by large companies in other countries to put competitors out of business. This can lead to the termination of many software projects such as KNOPPIX, at least within Europe, because the holders of the over 30,000 already granted "software patents" (currently without a legal foundation) can claim exclusive rights and collect license fees for trivial things like "progress bars", "mouseclicks on online order forms", "scrolling within a window" and similar. That way, software developers will have to pay the "software-patentholders" for using these features, even in their own, completely self-developed applications, which can completely stall the development of innovative software for small and medium companies. Apart from this, the expense for patent inquiries and legal assistence is high, for even trying to find out if the self-developed software is possibly violating "software-patents", if you want to continue to market your software. Contrary to real patents, "software-patents" are, in the current draft, monopolization of business ideas and methods, even without any tangible technical implementation.

Granted, the Knoppix movement is alive and well, but it does bring to focus a couple of things, and I have meant to rant about this for the last two months. In a nutshell, so you guys can follow me, is that these patent holders will collect money for some technology that they did not invent, hence, my reference to the shrewd business practices on top of this post. I believe there was a case in America where a guy claiming to have written a block of code in the Linux OS, and claiming his rights to license fees of all Linux Distros. I'm not sure of the result of that case, but this highlights the seriousness of the matter. And these guys are not the exception to the rule, "Patent holders" from all over America are already claiming their licensing fees amounting to ridiculous levels. There was even a case disputing on who really owned the patents to the Internet.

I can't say that the Patents system is flawed by any long stretch. Sometimes it's good that inventors have the assurance of their ideas will not be duplicated by someone churning out knock off products in a factory somewhere in the South East Asians. But from my initial observations, there are overlaps pertaining to ideas, and of course, as anyone who had ever thought of becoming an inventor, ideas come fast and thick, but most of em have the consistency of shit. Just have a browse through the index numbers of ALL the patents, you see what I mean. It's these frivolous things that needs to be stricken from the patents system. There need to be a review panel consisting of numerous independet analysts from differing disciplines to work out if an idea is worth patenting or should it be put into the public domain so it may be bettered. But then again, each idea is a product to be sold to the all ready mouths and backpacks of consumers.

Posted by SoulJah at 6:23:00 AM

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