This post is titled New Feature. by author SoulJah. With my 1337 h4x0ring skills, uh, excuse me, I mean, minimal PHP programming know how, I have managed to create a rudimentary Permalink fashioned from using the year and date to create the text links. It has to be said that I am utilizing monthly archiving for my site and each of these are created into a text file. So just by getting the current year and month, I fashioned a link thats permanent. So if any of the readers want to point to a certain article on this site, you can just copy that link down. But it's mainly for me to create my articles page, so I don't have to scour for the <a name="#number"> anymore. Wow. I feel very productive.

Oooh, ooh... for them Google-ers who might want to look for this info, Permalink for Blogger.

EDIT Turns out it didn't work well afterall... OK, it was my bad, but it seemed like a workable idea... Damn those sleepless nights...

MUCH LATER THAT NIGHT'S EDIT I almost got it to work... Just one small digit to contend to... Than the glorious Permalink will be up and running without a hitch...

Posted by SoulJah at 2:19:00 AM

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