This post is titled by author SoulJah.
I'M 20
Man do I feel old... Well yesterday
was my birthday. Thanks to everyone who messaged birthday greetings... All four of you... So sad no? Heh can't really care much really. When it comes to remembering dates, I really suck eggs like a mayo making machine, so it's really hard for me to give birthday wishes to others. But for a specific few, I mean specialific few, I'd tattoo the dates on the back of my hand if I have to. As Chris Pirillo used to say, "Wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more..." (Heh, I miss that little gnome...)
So... How the hell did I spend the 24 hours that signified the coming of age, or, rather, the coming of old age? Watch out! I feel like a blog coming!?!
Well of course I was playing my brand new PS2 (heh, I just so can't stop gushing about it...), playing Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, unlocking the Krypts, which until recently, took me quite a while before I found that gem of a cheat/programming error on
GameFAQs that can give me massive coinage in a matter of minutes. Well, ! played it up until 3am, dozing off once every few minutes. Considered to call someone up, just to share in my good mood, but figured that someone might be asleep, so I just put it off until the next night.
Of course woke up at and ungodly hour (6.45am), feeling quite groggy/fucked up/messed up. But figured that it was my birthday, might as well tackle the long day with a sunny outlook and good demeanour. Got to work, never bothered to tell anyone it was my birthday, coz I just don't like... the attention? I don't know the proper word to describe it, but there ya go... Went out at lunch to exchange my faulty PS2 CD games and also replacing Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution, which was in Japanese, to an English one. Met the other attachees at McD's, joined them, saw crazed kids in the playpen, which I almost shouted at coz they were really being obnoxious, but their mom was there, so... Yeah...
Got back to work, knwoing it was gonna be a red punch in, but luckily the punch card machine was broken, so I just jotted down 1.30 on it, and I was scott free. Adeeb (my friend, who drives us both to work) has been meaning to play Winning Eleven 6 at my place the day before yesterday, but he didn't come, so I made sure he comes later that day.
Got home, and my mom, in such a cheerful mood(?) said something akin to "Selamat Ulangtahun ke 20!" which means "Happy 20th Birthday". Heh... It was OK they didn't get me anything, I already got used to it. But what I'm really thankful for is to have parents that I can 'click' with, so I guess that's a present all the same. I guess I'm really lucky considering my state. :)
So, after that, I played a couple of warming up games of WE6 before my friend and his bro come over... Practised my Free Kick in the UMBRO P.T.C. challenges, which I got a very respectable 1160 score. And yes I used Beckham, and yes, his likeness and bending skills in the game bears striking resemblance to the real life counterpart. Played a couple of Master League games, and that's when they came knocking on my door.
So I let them in, immediately started playing. Strangely he was very good at it. Even with my use of Italy, he managed to win the match with 4-2. Heh, my stupid feint skills. Once it comes on, it works perfectly. But a wrong timed button press always get a shot over the bar or wide off the mark. Feeling a bit pissed, just a wee bit mind you, took out a ciggie from my room and proceeded to poo, while smoking of course. Yes, I always do that, and no, I'm not the only one who does that.
After I came out, my brother was already playing against my friend. He lost 3-2 to my friend, which in all honesty, he was using Turkey. Then it's my friend's bro against my bro, and fortunately, my bro trounced my friend's bro, so yeah, it's face-water-saving thing.
Now it's my turn with my friend again. Chose England this time, coz I was feeling like retributive carnage. This time, he was really off. So I took it to my advantage and just play with his defenders' minds. My first goal was a clumsy one, with my attacker running through a crowded penalty box. The second one however, was real cow'ker mate! My player was fouled at the edge of the penalty box and it was like 20-24m out. Trusting Beckham's bending ability, I lined up the shot through the defending wall, and put a bit of swerve on it. But somehow, I manage to screw up my button press, resulting in a straight shooting ball and a shot meter more than half full. But lo and behold. The accurate physics of the game means that the low shot got past the wall and into the bottom of the crossbar and bounced with mighty mega super nuclear power force into the goal. It's a true cow'ker! Ain't she a beyuw'y? The most satisfying 30 seconds ever. Apart from... Heh... Never mind... Still feeling unsatisfied, my friend asked for another game, and sure enough, I returned the 4-2 thrashing I experienced earlier. Go Japan!
That's how it was until 10.15 when they went home. Played a couple of games and then of course, make the call that I promised earlier that day. Talked... Feeling quite happy at that moment, and then proceeded to end the call, and go off to bed, still reeling in from the uplifting phone call. So that's it. That's how I spent the 24 hours of my brithday.
This morning on the drive over to work, listening to Capital FM, found out there's quite a few famous people having their birthday. Which reminded me that there were quite a few famous people too having the same birthday as mine. These are quite famous people, not just some unknown actors/celeb/dude. Heh, everyone wants to have their birthday in May...
Editor's Note: I'm still waiting approval to use a birthday list, coz he got a real Copyright on his database, not just some text slapped on a page and calling it copyrighted. I ph34r...]
Posted by SoulJah at 2:50:00 PM
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