This post is titled by author SoulJah. Good lord man! Have you been watching the tube lately? I was browsing Astro one night when I came across the Disney Channel... It's not the fact that Disney has its own channel that amazes me, but what was on was quite disturbing... I swear I saw the fourth iteration of the Ketchup Song, that nauseatingly catchy Asereje song if you're not catching my drift... And strangely this was made for kids this time... It has lots of kids doing the dance move, but what's even laughably scary is the d00ds in the Tomato costume... What in god's good name are they thinking? Let's recap: the first one was the beach scene, the second was a mixture of the beach scene and the proper video, the third one is the proper video, and the fourth is this. Hell, the even have lyrics so you can effectively sing along to it! MY GOD! They're trying to milk everything out of that one hit wonder! And driving me insane million times over! DAMN!!!!

Posted by SoulJah at 8:55:00 AM

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