This post is titled by author Anonymous.
hey y'all, we're linkin park!!! we just dyed our hair a different colour, so ya think y'all can let us play some tunes wit da bomb kell? we might sound like corosion of conformity, who sounds like system of a down, who sounds like mighty few, who sounds like POD, who sounds like deftones... but damn we're different. we're alternative man!! we ain't no sell-outs trying to cash in on the angst of impressionable, misguided teenagers with the same 4 or 5 chord riffs played in drop-D, and the same brilliant lyrics that if analyzed, end up being totally nonsensical, meaningless and obviously formulated to hit a destructive nerve with the ignorant, misguided youths of generation-dumbass. I'll drop the facade - music has turned to crap. Pop used to have brilliant artists such as Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon (i'm leaving out a few dozen here) to add to its credit, but now all it represents is the corporate world trying to integrate itself into music. it has succeeded. we can thank huge music labels for producing great 'artists' such as N'suck, backdoor boys(no, i'm not a bigot), and britney 'I swear to god they're real' spears. the list is countless, i've just named a few prominent examples. generation X'rs are no longer stand-outs but apart of the same flock of ignorant, gullable sheep, listing limp dickzkit, korny, POD (stands for 'pretty ordinary drudge), slip knot-good-stuff, Our Ladies Penises and emineminemineminem (gets repetitive, doesn't it?) among their favourite 'alternative' artists. they don't seem to realise that buying music from these money-grubbing jokes is the same as making a $30 donation to your local Mcdonald's. Wake up you fools - these people you call musicians are nothing more than viruses created for mass-consumption. They aren't talented, nor really musicians, just shallow tryhards cashing in on what has become an easily accessible market. Well, i've vented for now. i'd say 'keep ragin' against the machine', but you'll probably just keep teeny-bopping along 'till your ears bleed, no matter what evidence comes along suggesting your individuality has been assimilated into non-existance by capitalistic gremlins. (Note: The term Alternative use to mean an alternative to mainstream rock but now alternative is mainstream umm whatever) End transmission.
Posted by Anonymous at 12:52:00 AM
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