This post is titled by author Anonymous.
Ever wondered why there is no Grammy for punk rock?? I read this rant on a website and it made me think. There's a Grammy for Heavy Metal, Alternative and Hip Hop (or to the oh so enlightened Grammy people it is known as Rap). Is punk dead? or is it dying?
A friend of mine showed me a teeny magazine and it was trying to show people how to dess punk!! What the hell!? Why are stupid teeny jackass "i am so cool and hip and trendy" magazines and media trying to commercialize punk?? Now, stupid posers, cute little girls try and dress "punk" by wearing "punk" outfits and gear. I thought punk was freedom. Being who you really are. To be against society's conformity. The reason for the leather jackets were that they would last long. Therefore against commercialisation.
The current crop of mainstream "Punk" is well pathetic. Today's, "punks" whine and whine about breaking up with their girls, never getting the girls, never growing up.. bla bla. Sure, its OK to sing about love but dedicate a WHOLE album to it?? Punk used to have some sort of cool political message. Sex Pistols, Dead Kennedys had something political to say. Avril seems more interested to be called a "rock star or skater punk" than she is in her music. If she's punk why does she care about her image? The fool.
Consider these statements by some bitch on
LaVagNe_ PuNkEr_RaWkS:
dONt gEt sO HeAtEd DuDe. I LiStEn tO rEaL PuNk rAwK... AL, Blink, NFG, Kelli (Kelly Osbourne - ConArt), Good Charlotte. AnD iF U KnEw aNyThInG bOuT It, U KnOW tHey AiN't NoThInG LiKe BrItTnEy SpeArZ, ThEy rIgHt DeY OWn sTuFf AnD DrEzZ Dey oWn wAy. aND i AnIt TaLiNG bOut BsB oR N'SyNc aND oTheR pOp cUz ThEy SuCk Azz.
LaVagNe_ PuNkEr_RaWkS:
ByZtCh aZz HoEz Z yO MaMaz. YeZ AvRiL, GoOd ChArlOtE N bLinK R PuNkZ. Yo JuS JEaOloUs CuZ dEy mAKiNg lOaDz OF MoNeY aNd U r wOrKiNG At Mc DoNoDlZ aNd HaVe fAt wIVeZ AnD bOYfRiEndZ. WhY DoNt u pIcKuP An tYaTh, dAt aLbUm Is mOre PuNk ThEn AnY BlAcK fLaG aNd SeX pIzTolz. All DeM baNDz dId WaS dRUgZ. NoWaDAYz tRu pUnK BaNdZ dOnT NeEd dRuGz, n dEy MuSiK bE bEtEr cUz Of It. DeY aLl BoUt kEpInG It rEaL.
well, Ms LaVagNe_ PuNkEr_RaWkS, apart from pissing most of readers off by WrItiNG LiKe ThaT WhIcH iS SoOoO CoOoL, your views of what punk truly is even more annoying.
Now, I take a deep breath and.... RANT AWAY!
if the extent of your support of "punk" music comes from EMpTyV, Avril, and Blink182, I'm sure they don't need your vote, thanks. Punks want people who listen to TRUE Punk like Sex Pistols, Black Flag and The Exploited *for starters*. Your definition of punk is the corporatized, let's-sell-a-watered-down-version- of-pseudo-punk-rock-to- dumb-a$$es-who-will-just- blindly-follow-it-because- it-LOOKS-like-it-is-rebellious- music, kind of music, and I use the term *music* loosely. Show me a punk band where the music is REALLY LOUD and REALLY FAST and where the lyrics are written from a POLITICAL viewpoint and there, and ONLY there, will you find punk rock. Whining about yourself, your life, mommy and daddy not letting you have your way all the time, and arsehole boyfriends/girlfriends, and the pop scene is NOT punk, it's poser bait for people who are afraid to speak out against State sponsored oppression. "Don't get so heated dude." Yeah that's right, don't be passionate about anything , Mr. Huh, don't be creative. Let someone else do your thinking for you, like LPR apparently does. To be fair, I went to a site that had the lyrics from all of B182's CDs and read them...oh gee what a surprise, from Flyswatter in 92 to Enema of the State in 99 to Take off your Pants and Jacket in '01, the lyrics are repleat with whiny references to how unfair their personal lives are(awww poor babies), and college life scenarios, with just a touch of whining about society in general in an attempt to maintain their "punk" vibe...yeah that's really punk..NOT. To be even more fair, I liked the Enema album but i thought the Take Off album sucked. WHINING is not the foundation of punk music. SCREAMING in defiance of an oppressive political system, and screaming for it's upheaval, sometimes violently, is the cornerstone of true punk.
Posted by Anonymous at 12:42:00 AM
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