This post is titled by author SoulJah. I had the strangest dream ever yesterday. Usually I'd forget what it was the very next day, but this one... I made the effort of not forgetting.

There I was in a cybercafe, with my buds sitting next to me. I wasn't sure who, but I knew they were my buds. So as the dream goes, they all started up CS, and they got into the server before I did. But somehow, I found out that I wasn't playing CS, but actually starting up Quake! The ORIGINAL QUAKE!

Somehow I was actually IN the Quake engine. I mean literally! My buds actually got into the Quake server and we had a blast-a-thon, killing cyberdemons with double barrel shotguns and those cyber-spider-demons with rocket launchers. Everywhere we look at, we see pixelated terrain, pixelated staircases, pixelated explosions, pixelated everything! Total carnage it was...

But oddly, we ran out of ammo... Something that would never happen in a Quake game... As I fired my last Rocket, I heard the dreadful "Click, Click." So what would you do?


We climb three flights of ladders, and we got onto this beam (weird huh?) With fear of splattering onto the pixelated road beneath us (think of CS_Assault, only more pixelated) we reached to the end of the beam, reached up and tried to open the latch, but it didn't open! We panicked!

But then we looked down, and saw the big door opening at the side of the warehouse. Weird eh? This is where I woke up...

Posted by SoulJah at 9:47:00 AM

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