This post is titled by author SoulJah.
Ok this might infuriate people but hell I don't care. I wanna talk about
CIGARETTES, and why I love them. It alleviates stress, it makes one forget the shittiness of one's own life, and for one brief moment (more like a minute) you feel not unhappy, not sad, not like shit.
I think I started smoking from watching my friends at the back of the canteen. They didn't pressure me, they didn't teach me. I just took one myself, and I'm hooked.
Nowadays I sometimes hear me mum and me dad complaining about kids smoking. They think it's like some disgusting stuff, which I can't rebutt to. They don't smoke, so they won't know. But my granmum and grandad smoked on me mums side. Most of the time I can sense that society thinks that smoking is really disgusting, which I don't blame them. Even the government is getting in on this, allegedly hiking the prices of import fags to curb the worlds leading killer, but they haven't got the cajones to enforce it. And besides we can get our supply from Limbang.
And if you wanna talk about disgusting stuff, what about all the rape cases that are covered up, by the family in some cases. And some of these involves minors.
Getting back to the issue at hand here, I wanna get things straight. If anyone tells me not to smoke in front of their face, I won't. If anyone tells me not to smoke in front of their baby, I won't. If anyone tells me not to smoke in front of their kids, I won't. In fact come up to me and say what's on your mind. Don't stare at me and judge me there and then. How would you feel if I stared at your face for an hour?
Why am I ranting about this? Why am I being so self centered? Why am I not caring what would happen to my family if I do die? Where am I going with this? I truly honestly can't say. I guess if everyone just gets their way, why shouldn't I? It is our right to do whatever we want with our lives. I don't think anyone, I mean anyone, even my parents, even some Joe of the street, even some bitch ass politicians that don't know how to run this country, you are not the fucking boss of me.
And pointing fingers will never solve the corruption of society.
Thank you,
Smoker Section | Non-Smoker Section
Posted by SoulJah at 12:08:00 PM
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