This post is titled British Military Enlists Its First Satanist by author SoulJah.
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's Armed Forces have enlisted their first Satanist after a naval technician serving on a frigate was granted permission to practice his beliefs while at sea, the Ministry of Defense said Sunday.

Defending the decision to allow a Satanist among the Royal Navy's ranks, a ministry spokesman said it was an "equal opportunities employer" and did not discriminate against specific religious beliefs.

"He went to his commanding officer with a request to practice his beliefs on board his ship and it was granted ... We believe he is the first avowed Satanist to serve in the military, but there is no official register of beliefs," the spokesman said.

The Sunday Telegraph newspaper said Chris Cranmer, 24, from Edinburgh, Scotland would be allowed to have a funeral carried out by the Church of Satan should he be killed in action.

The Church of Satan was founded in the 1960s, but Satanism can refer to a diverse set of practices that include viewing Satan as a force of nature.

Members of the church, which rejects Christian ideas of God and the Devil, follow 11 Satanic Rules of the Earth.

The belief system has been condemned as a cult by some religious groups and at least one opposition politician expressed dismay after Cranmer won permission to practice Satanism aboard a Royal Navy ship.

"I am utterly shocked by this," said Conservative parliamentarian Anne Widdecombe.

"Satanism is wrong. Obviously the private beliefs of individuals anywhere including the armed forces are their own affair but I hope it doesn't spread," she said.


Posted by SoulJah at 9:32:00 AM

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This post is titled Genuine job opportunity... 1 week part time job... by author SoulJah. Working hours from 7.45 to 3, network and IT department maintenance. Basic maintenance such as file backup and hardware rearrangement. Send your particulars, IC no, resume, qualifications to:

The Employer
Mimit Melody Solutions

Only Bruneian males may apply. Can start work immediately this week. Please reply ASAP with your particulars.

Posted by SoulJah at 8:12:00 PM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah.

Posted by SoulJah at 3:02:00 AM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah.

Posted by SoulJah at 10:03:00 AM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah.

Posted by SoulJah at 11:49:00 PM

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This post is titled New Layout? Give me your thoughts and comments... by author SoulJah. I'll milk out a few just in case, but here's the first one. This is designed to look like those picture books or something, where you cut diagonals on the paper at the four corners and fit the picture through each corner.

My prerogative is simple. Keep it light. For a page designed like that, I can make it load as fast as possible. I can just reuse elements and everything would still look as it should.

Please leave your thoughts...

Posted by SoulJah at 1:32:00 AM

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This post is titled I'm sick son!!! by author SoulJah. Yeah, pretty much out of it today. I was like half asleep at work just now. The boss told me to go home if I want, but I was stubborn and promised to go at 2pm... But the headache was too much that I had to split at 1... Just my luck, being sick at a time like this...

Posted by SoulJah at 5:30:00 PM

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This post is titled Firefox invulnerable? Invincible? I think not... by author SoulJah. Well this goes to all the browsers in existence, IE, Opera, Mozilla/Firefox, Avant Browser, Safari, etc...

Slashdot article.

Posted by SoulJah at 9:51:00 AM

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This post is titled My pursuit of Linux goodness... by author SoulJah. The prospect of that has just gotten better. Now that my CD-Rom automagically is able to read CD's again, I went all crazy and burnt all the iso's I've been keeping aside for burning. First up is the Knoppix Live CD 3.6 iso. I've been having trouble with this distro going back since 3.2. Well, ok, I've ran 3.2 and 3.3 on a different system without a hitch, but it just doesn't seem to want to work with this laptop. Now that 3.6 has kernel 2.6.7 (I believe), it now works like a charm on this machine. This distro even piqued a co-worker's interest and copied it and was very much giddy playing around with it. In fact, I'm running Knoppix 3.6 right now, posting on Blogger with Mozilla browser. I haven't gotten around to installing anything yet, coz, frankly, I want to take it one step at a time.

Maybe I shouldn't be installing any programs for an OS that's running off of a CD mayhaps. Maybe I should be looking for a decent enough installable distro? Well, that's what I thought, but I'm still wary of installing anything coz yes, I admit I'm a n00b. Considering I've had success with using SuSE 9.0 Live Eval CD that came with Linux Format Magazine, I was eager to download SuSE personal 9.1 when it became available. Oh a sidenote, the personal, installable iso is a new addition to the SuSE family. Used to only have a network installation package and a Live Eval iso, no run-off-of-a-cd iso back then. On another, another sidenote, I wanted to offer SuSE Enterprise for this webserver this organization wanted us to quote, but Red Hat won the day. If it was my decision, I'd take SuSE hands down.

So yeah, back to the topic. Partitioned my HDD, leaving an empty 2.5 Gig space, and inserted the SuSE 9.1 installation CD and waited with abated breath. To my surprise and chagrin, the installation was the most beautiful thing I've ever encountered. I mean, when I "tried" to install Slackware 9.1, I basically had to learn everything about the naming convention of the logical hard disks and the significance. For instance hda1 to hda4 would be for the primary disk and hda5 to hda9 was for the logical disk, if memory serves me right. Then I had to pick the Swap partition and pick which filesystem best suited for my use, either reiserf, ext2 etc. Installing LILO, configuring LILO, I mean, it was hard work for a complete Linux n00b like me, and that's with a guiding hand from the Linux Format magazine which I also got the installation CD for Slackware 9.1 from. Hell, during Computer Science Architecture's assignment on how to dual boot Linux and Windows, it took like around two pages to explain fully how to do it step by step from a complete n00b's point of view.

Installing SuSE? The freespace that I left earlier, the 2.5 Gig one, I thought I had to do the same thing again, partitioning, swap thing, bla bla bla. Oh how wrong I was. The installer was more than able to handle it itself. Given it around 280+ MB for the swap space and leaving the rest for the linux filesystem, defaulting its choice to reiserf, I was mighty impresed. Giving the option of using GRUB or LILO or booting into SuSE from a floppy disk (which I wholeheartedly recommend as it won't mess with your MBR, master boot record), everything was laid out in a nice GUI, and you can click on it to change any option you want, without much of a hassle. Ah bliss... Those people at Novell deserve a kiss on their rings. In fact, you won't see a command line type thing during installation, apart from when it boots up to the installation GUI. Everything was up and running in an hour, which I could spare.

So here we go, delving into the world of Linux at last, at my own pace, at my own time. Glad to be able to join ya guys finally. Now to try out other flavors, maybe Slackware 10.0 or Knoppix STD or Mandrake or Fedora or, *gasp* Debian!?! Ok, I'm getting way in over my head... Slowly dude, slowly...

Posted by SoulJah at 1:48:00 AM

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This post is titled Sometimes, Maddox can be a genius... by author SoulJah. How to become an obnoxious internet cam whore in five easy steps.

Damn emo kids...

Posted by SoulJah at 12:10:00 AM

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This post is titled by author SoulJah.

Posted by SoulJah at 12:55:00 AM

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This post is titled Gah! /me slaps self furiously! by author SoulJah. Shit... The laptop's Combo Drive has been acting up, not being able to read/write any kind of CD for a couple of weeks now! ARGH! And the shitty thing is I can't fix it! Driver uninstall? Done that. ASPI layer reinstall? Check. Dance around the laptop 20 times while holding a chicken in the right hand and a spoon in the other while hopping around on just my right foot? ... No... But hey, I've done everything humanly possible... Guess I'll just send it in for repairs... Grah... I hate sending in stuff for repairs... You can't learn anything from that...

Everyone around me is realigning their allegiance... I'm the only one nice enough to still be at the center... Thing about friends is, they're the ones that hurt you the most, and hey, they all are beginning to see that too... Let's just hope there's a silver lining soon...

Posted by SoulJah at 9:23:00 AM

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This post is titled Atom to RSS? by author SoulJah. This is useful for Opera browsers that can't get native support of Atom into the RSS feeder inside Opera 7.5 itself, Oh for those of you who didn't know where it is, it's under Mail, Newsfeeds.

With this I can plug in my Atom feed, such as mine here;;

and turn it into RSS by using this line here;

The site is here;


Posted by SoulJah at 1:30:00 AM

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This post is titled I found something interesting today... by author SoulJah. I found it on SuprNova and it's called GMailfs. Stands for GMail file system, it allows you to use your GMail account as an online storage solution. I was kinda skeptical at first, so I downloaded it to try it out. But to my amazement, it works as it should. I suggest you give it a try.

This is the official site, but the installation process is way too complicated for Windows users, as it's talking in terms of Linux. So here I offer the gmailfs.torrent file, or you can download it directly from me in gmailfs.rar format or format. Have fun!

Oh an interesting sidenote; the holier than thou monkeys at SlashDot has a lot of stuff to say about this, as usual.

Posted by SoulJah at 8:42:00 AM

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This post is titled A gift from the heavens! by author SoulJah.


Get enough SPAM lately? Have you ever gone to a website that asks for your email address for no reason (other than they are going to sell it to the highest bidder so you get spam forever)?

Welcome to Mailinator(tm) - Its no signup, instant anti-spam service. Here is how it works: You are on the web, at a party, or talking to your favorite insurance salesman. Whereever you are, someone (or some webpage) asks for your email. You know if you give it, you're gambling with your privacy. On the other hand, you do want at least one message from that person. The answer is to give them a mailinator address. You don't need to sign-up. You just make it up on the spot. Pick or - pick anything you want (up to 15 characters before the @ sign).

Later, come to this site and check that account. Its that easy. Mailinator accounts are created when mail arrives for them. No signup, no personal information, and when you're done - you can walk away - an instant solution to one way spammers get your address. Its an anti-spam solution for everyone. The messages are automatically deleted for you after a few hours.

Let'em spam.

Posted by SoulJah at 11:30:00 PM

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This post is titled Let's do a "The Smoking Gun" type of thing. by author SoulJah. Maybank Complaint letter. Those Malaysians are fun.

Download the pdf complaint.pdf

Posted by SoulJah at 8:06:00 PM

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This post is titled Man circles back to first wife for his 53rd marriage by author SoulJah.
Associated Press
Oct. 6, 2004 08:40 AM

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - A Malaysian man has married for the 53rd time, tying the knot a second time with the first woman he wed.

"I am not a playboy. I just love seeing beautiful women," said 72-year-old Kamaruddin Mohammed.

In between marrying Khadijah Udin, in 1957 and again on Monday, he married 51 times, including to an Englishwoman and a Thai.

He stayed with the Thai the longest, for 20 years. His shortest marriage lasted two days. All his previous marriages ended in divorce except with the Thai woman, who died of cancer, he said.

"After she died I thought of Khadijah and sent several people to inquire. I didn't expect her to accept it," said Kamaruddin, who worked for several multinational companies before retiring in 1992.

Despite all the repeat marriages, Kamaruddin says he is a one-woman man.

"I don't like flings. I also don't believe in marrying more than one woman at a time," he said.

He said he is very happy to be reunited with the 74-year-old Khadijah. Their first marriage lasted a year.

Khadijah said she accepted Kamaruddin's proposal because she was living alone after the death of her third husband.

"Kamaruddin also promised to look after me until the end of our lives and said he did not want to continue his habit of remarrying repeatedly," she said.

Source :


Posted by SoulJah at 7:39:00 PM

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This post is titled I love these kinda pranks! by author SoulJah.

Posted by SoulJah at 9:52:00 PM

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This post is titled HOTTEST VIDS EVER - As compiled by ZOO Weekly by author SoulJah.
1. Call On Me - Eric Prydz
2. Lapdance - N*E*R*D
3. Satisfaction - Benny Benassi
4. Girls On Film - Duran Duran
5. Dip It Low - Christina Milian
6. Playmate Of The Year - Zebrahead
7. Smack My Bitch Up - Prodigy
8. Toxic - Britney Spears
9. P-Poppin’ - Ludacris
10. Dirrty - Christina Aguilera
11. PIMP - 50 Cent
12. Blind Pilots - The Cooper Temple Clause
13. Baby One More Time - Britney Spears
14. Crazy In Love - Beyonce
15. Lady Marmalade - Pink, Mya, Christina Aguilera & Lil’ Kim
16. Put ‘Em On Glass - Sir Mix-A-Lot
17. Sweet Dreams My LA Ex - Rachel Stevens
18. Burn - Usher
19. Miserable - Lit
20. Girls Girls Girls - Motley Crue
21. Me Against The Music - Britney and Madonna
22. The Chauffeur - Duran Duran
23. Spinning Around - Kylie
24. I’m A Slave 4 U - Britney Spears
25. Hot In Herre - Nelly
26. Milkshake - Kelis
27. Imagination - Xymox
28. State Of Mind - Holly Valance
29. All That - HWA
30. All The Things She Said - tATu
31. Sweetest Sin - Jessica Simpson
32. Superman - Eminem
33. Together - Artificial Funk
34. Hot For Teacher - Van Halen
35. Just Like A Pill - Pink
36. Bootylicious - Destiny’s Child
37. Pandora’s Kiss - Louise
38. Do Ya Think I’m Sexy - Girls Of FHM
39. Justify My Love - Madonna
40. Gold Diggin’ Girls - MC Nas-D
41. Wicked Game - Chris Isaak
42. All Day Long I Dream About Sex - JC Chasez
43. Honey - Mariah Carey
44. No Matter What They Say - Lil’ Kim
45. Escape - Enrique Englesias
46. Crazy - Aerosmith
47. Baby Got Back - Sir Mix-A-Lot
48. Erotica - Madonna
49. Love Don’t Cost A Thing - J.Lo
50. No Good Advice - Girls Aloud

Source : here.

Personally, I have the first one on the list, and, I have to say, it's the best, hottest, steamiest music video ever directed... If you hear the song, the images of bums shaking to the music will be playing in your head... Trust me on that one... Hrmm... 10 out of 50 videos... I say, I downloaded some gems over the years, eh?

Posted by SoulJah at 2:53:00 AM

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This post is titled To Faz! by author SoulJah.

Posted by SoulJah at 2:00:00 AM

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This post is titled Two dead in piranha penis frenzy by author SoulJah.
TWO Papua New Guinea fishermen have bled to death after having their penises bitten off by pirahna-like river fish.

The fish, which zero in on urine streams in the water, have struck terror among villagers along the Sepik River, in northwestern PNG.

Authorities believe the killer fish is an introduced member of the South American pacu family and a relative of the piranha.

In both of last month's fatalities, the fish demonstrated a trait of the piranha by following a trail of urine in the water, swimming to its source and then biting it off with razor-sharp teeth.

Some believe the killer may be a food-source fish introduced from Brazil in 1994 by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) and the PNG National Fisheries Authority (NFO).

However marine biologist and aquaculturist Ian Middleton said he believed they were a different species, introduced from across the PNG-Indonesia border.

He denied the fish were the descendants of the pacu species introduced to the Sepik River in 1994 and the Ramu River at Madang in 1997 by the FAO and the NFA as a protein substitute.

"The killer fish have the most human-like teeth on the bottom jaw I have ever seen and quite possibly feed on insects," he said.

Middleton said the FAO/NFA-introduced pacu grew to 20 kilos and had no teeth.

Pacu are mainly vegetarian but will adapt to eat almost anything.

Middleton said he believed the killer fish had started biting humans because of a lack of naturally occurring food.

"The reason for biting people on their genitals I believe is a result of the fish detecting a chemical change in the water, swimming up the urine trail and biting the genitals."

Middleton said this behaviour was well-documented in the Amazon, where other species of the piranha family attack in response to urine or blood.

He said people along the Ramu River were now harvesting the introduced pacu and there had been no reports of attacks on humans.

"I do not believe that in over five years of research and careful consideration that the FAO and the NFA would be stupid enough to introduce such a hazardous species, nor any relative of the piranha," Middleton said.

However the Director of the PNG Office of Environment and Conservation, Dr Wari Iamo, yesterday expressed "grave concern and dissatisfaction" at the way some government agencies and donor organisations had gone about importing exotic plant and animal species.

"A classic example is the salvinia molesta (a floating water weed) control program in the Sepik during the 1980s which cost millions of kina (dollars) because someone accidentally introduced the weed into the river system," he said.

"In the last two decades various agencies and individuals have introduced over 30 species of exotic fishes into the country."


Source :,4057,2273932%5E2,00.html

Posted by SoulJah at 12:44:00 AM

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This post is titled Up shut the fuck, you must... Or smite you senseless, I will... by author SoulJah.

Posted by SoulJah at 1:09:00 PM

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This post is titled Wow! This is one nice video! by author SoulJah. 13,448,012 bytes

Don't mind the shittybum file name... I assure you, it's the best video editing you gonna see in a while...

Posted by SoulJah at 9:37:00 AM

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This post is titled Stop! Stop whatever you're doing right now! by author SoulJah. And go to this website, and download the pdf of the review of Half Life 2 on PC Gamer. And revel that you will be playing the most awesome game ever released, bar none. I don't think even Doom 3 can compare to this most marvelous of masterpieces. While Doom 3 excels in making you shit your pants, Half Life 2 will do that, AND make you secrete fluids from different extremities at the same time without you even noticing.

Shit, I think I'm gonna be thinking of purchasing that AMD 64 gaming system at C. F. King just for this gem...

Posted by SoulJah at 9:00:00 AM

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This post is titled Windows XP Service Pack 2 by author SoulJah. So, have you guys downloaded and installed the latest release from Microsoft yet? I have to say, I'm quite happy with this Service Pack than I am of the first one.

First off, let's download this behemoth of a software. This link will download it for you automagically through Automatic Update, while this are for deploying to multiple numbers of PCs. Some might like it to download while they're sleeping (while it downloads using Automatic Update's scheduling functionality), but me, I'll just download the second link using a download manager so I have the ability to resume, and that 272391 KB exe can be used to update my system back up to SP2 if say, I have to reinstall Windows fresh. The Network Installation Package for IT Professionals and Developers is actually a cumulative security update, whereby it encompasses all security related releases since Windows XP was released.

After I rebooted from the install process, I hunt and pecked around for the differences, and the most notable thing is that the Wireless Connectivity set up is much, much easier now. I still remembered how hard it was to connect to the wireless network at school. Now at my workplace, it's a snap. Switch on your wireless card, double click the wireless link, and neatly a list of APs and their respective signal strength is displayed. Quite nifty I say.

The Security Center is also another aspect I should highlight. Now the firewall is turned on by default. It alerts if programs are trying to connect to the Internet, but doesn't constantly bother you with some ping attempt or ICMP signals by some machine, like most other Firewalls do. Here you can also set up the Automatic Updates functionality, and the Virus Protection functionality. But what surprises me the most is that it detects that AVG Anti Virus is up to date. That's a nice feature to have. But this Security Center thing, I don't think you'll be seeing much of. Just set your settings one time, and it's out of your hair.

As you know, IE is prone to attacks by embedded code on websites. The script blocking functionality blocks out most if not all of this type of nuisance. The pop up blocker is another nice addition to Internet Explorer. Just another level of protection from maliciously coded pop ups. On that sidenote, it also blocks Download Druid, which is a mass downloader that resides as a sidebar in IE.

The last of the "Oh cool!" functionality I discovered is the built in support for Bluetooth devices. Which was really surprising, as a few months ago, all I get from installing the Bluetooth drivers on this machine is that the drivers are not digitally signed, or something to that effect. This was an accidental discovery anyway. When I tried using the Bluetooth device to communicate with the N-Gage QD, it was not working, so I uninstalled the device driver and the program for it and used an older driver. But everytime I restart, it's already trying to install a new hardware, which can be seen by that USB plug icon in the taskbar. But the drivers supplied by Microsoft was not that good, as I was getting disconnected during transfers. So, I uninstalled that one, looked for an .inf file that was in the Bluetooth installation package I downloaded off of (this is for my machine by the way, for your respective drivers, go to your manufacturer's website.) After that, it's working like a charm, without needing to have a bloated program running in the systray all the time.

So that's it from me. In all, I'm getting a better functionality out of SP2, with the added security and device support. Go download it now! I assure you, you'd get less and less irritated with Windows, and you'd get less and less problems operating it, too.

Posted by SoulJah at 1:08:00 AM

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This post is titled Simpson and Lachey to split? by author SoulJah.
MTV reality stars Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey are allegedly considering ending their marriage because the former 98 Degrees hunk is sick of her "dumb blonde" behavior.

The Nick And Jessica: Newlyweds couple have shocked viewers with their outrageous fights on the show's second season which features Lachey calling Simpson a "pampered bimbo," starting speculation the couple are drifting apart.

"They are pretty much living separate lives these days. I wouldn't be surprised if both of them are back on the market in a few months," an insider said to Britain's Daily Sport newspaper.

Lachey reportedly complained, "If I'd wanted a bimbo, I would have married Paris Hilton."

Source : here.

You're just getting tired of it now Nick?

Posted by SoulJah at 10:33:00 AM

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